
When university graduation was over, Xiao Chen was still thinking about Xiao Yu but then remembered she probably didn't remember him. Xiao Chen sighed. As he put on his sunglasses, Xiao Chen's grandfather called to him. "Xiao Chen, I am so happy for you! You are my pride!" Xiao Chen forced out a small smile and asked him, "Grandpa, is my uncle coming today?"

(Xiao Chen's Uncle is a well-known business man who is very successful and wants Xiao Chen to inherit his father's company, ATECH. But due to selfish reasons, the uncle changed.)

As they were talking about him, Xiao Chen's uncle came. "Good to see you, Daniel Chen. I am your father's brother." He smiled. "We are proud to have you. Please come with us."

"Take good care of my grandson. He is really a good kid." The uncle nodded. Then, he looked at one of his subordinate and said, "Shoot him."

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpaaa!! No!! Why did you shoot him? He hasn't done anything wrong! Stop the car!" Xiao Chen screamed in despair as he clenched his fist. He whispered under his breath, I'll make each and everyone of you pay.

Suddenly, the car spun out of control and hit a pole.

As the medics frantically trying to resuscitate some people, Xiao Chen whispered... Xiao Yu, grandpa... I'm sorry.

"Someone! Help! This young guy is not breathing!"

"Excuse me, excuse me. Let me through!" One of Xiao Chen's friend came and showed his medical license to the police.

"I'll do the CPR, bring the AED. Daniel, you cannot leave me. Please, come back!... we got a pulse! Get him to the hospital ASAP!"

Few days later, after waking up from unconscious state. The doctors told Xiao Chen that his optical nerve had been damaged and there is no chance for his vision to be fixed. Daniel's friend came in few days later, "Daniel, I am sorry for what happened." Daniel answered, "Why you're sorry, it's not your fault."

After that accident, Daniel was emotionless, no smile, no laughter ever again. He became cold as ice. No one ever visited him through out the time in the hospital except for Michael, his only trusted friend.

Few months later of intensive braille training and therapy sessions. Daniel can finally use braille. But no one can break through his extremely cold exterior.

Several years later, Daniel became a successful CEO, through sleepless nights, hardwork... he finally made it.

Everyone wanted to meet him.