I'm with CEO's child

"Daniel, you're awake?" I said gently.

"Hm. I want to kiss you again." He said.

"Let's wait for tonight, we have to get ready now." I said in a rush.

But resistence was futile, he grabbed my hand and we were in bed again. He caressed my body again and it feels good. His kisses were irresistable. He whispered, "Wait outside, I'll get ready now."

"Hm." As I kissed his lips and wrapping him around me and I smiled.

As we stopped, each of us got ready.

" Daniel, your clothes are here. I'll get your breakfast ready." I said.

As we were getting ready to go, I suddenly felt sick.

What's wrong with me? I didn't care much for the rest of the day. Maybe I need to rest more.

David and James picked us up and we headed to work that day.

There were many people who greeted us in the lobby. I smiled as I walked beside Daniel.

When we reached the interview room, there were so many people. David told everyone to make way for the CEO.

Then, one of my friend came and gave me a hug, "Xiao Yu!! Long time no see. I saw you on TV and you were amazing! You look more beautiful now. So how are things with you and Daniel?"

"It's pretty good. We slept together." I embarrassedly said.

"Whaaa... you really did? Congratulations, you won his heart!!"

I'm so happy to see my friend Shanshan. I am happy she will be working in our company.

During the interview, people applied for different position within the company.

One person came up to us and said, "Xiao Yu? Xiao Chen?"

I was surprised and said, "He's Xiao Chen?" I didn't know what to say.

"Xiao Yu? You're really Xiao Yu? The one who helped me bandaged my injuries." I said yes.

We both cannot contain our smile, thanks to that guy we found each other.

"Cannot be a mistake, you're definitely Xiao Yu and Xiao Chen." He said. "Remember me? I used to bully you but look at you now.. a great CEO."

"I'm glad you noticed us." I said.

"The world is too small. Look at you two.. CEO and his beautiful assistant.. wow..." He said.

As we finished, David used the mic and said, "This evening, we are having a welcome party for new employees."

Everyone looks happy especially Daniel... we found each other.

My phone suddenly rang and it was my mom.

"Mom, its been a long time. How are things?" I said.

"I heard you and CEO are living together now. Someone told me he's Xiao chen from before?" my mom said.

"He is. I finally found him." I said happily.

"I'm sorry what I did to him before... I know he didnt kill his parents. It was someone else. Please take good care of him. He suffered a lot when he was young. I wish you two the best." My mom said.

"Thank you, mom. I'm happy you accept our relationship. I'll take good care of him." I said.

Now, those are out of the way...the real question is... who made him suffered like this?

*Well.. it will take some time.*

Then, a beautiful lady came to talk to the CEO. She's gorgeous I thought.

"CEO Chen, thank you for the opportunity. I would really want to get to know you better. Can you come over to my place tonight?" She said.

I thought... woman.. you wish.

"Crystal, give me your hand. I'm sorry, She's the woman I love. No one can replace her. I'm sorry."

Then, the other girl pouted and went away.

*Daniel did a good job at least, I'm proud of him.*

David and James giggled.

When evening came, I decided to let David and James to take care of Daniel. Since I didn't feel too well, I decided to go to a hospital.

As I waited for my turn, a nurse came up to me and she told me to follow her.

"Please urinate in this cup and the test result will come out in half an hour." The nurse said.

As I finished, she took me to the waiting room. After waiting for half an hour. The doctor called me in and he asked me a series of question. Then the doctor told me I am one month pregnant.

"Miss. Yu. As you know that you're pregnant, it's important for you know that your emotion can affect the baby. Make sure you tell your husband so he know. Okay? Good. Also, you will feel tired and sleepy during the first trimester. Make sure you get enough rest. Make sure to eat small meal so you won't get nauseated easily." The doctor told me. "Please see me after 3 weeks and bring your husband too."

(Husband? We're not even married yet. But nevertheless, Daniel will be a handsome dad and husband soon.)

"Thank you doctor. I'll keep that in mind."

As I went back happily, I saw Daniel and the other enjoying themselves. I went to Daniel's side and told him I have good news for him. He held my hand and whispered to me, "Tell me when we get back." He felt my face and kissed my lips.

I love you, Daniel.