
6 months passed...

I've woken up from my coma, I only remembered getting shot... the rest were hazy.

My baby is safe. Thank goodness. I'm feeling weak...

"Crystal, you're finally awake." A male doctor came to my bedside.

"Father? Why are you here? I thought you died." I said

"I bet your mother didn't want to talk about me."

"What happened to me? I feel weak..." I said quietly.

"You were in a coma for 6 months, you need to do rehab after you give birth. We will send physiotherapist here and they will warm up your muscles. We'll talk about it afterward." I nodded.

Few weeks had passed, I felt so much better but still... not in 100% shape but still functional...

"Father, it hurts... Ahhh!!"

"Don't worry baby, you're going to be fine. It will hurt a bit.. i just injected painkiller. Okay?"

"Keep on pushing, push!! push!! Good, we see the head... keep on pushing... one more push... it's a girl!! Congratulations.!"

I thought to myself... Daniel.. your child just came to this world.. it's our daughter.

"What do you want to name her?" asked a nurse.

"Starlight." I said.

"That's a wonderful name."

I was happy. Happy that our child is safe. I'm one step closer to you Daniel. I'll see you soon.

Few more weeks of intensive rehab was difficult. But I managed to make it work.

I just want to see Daniel quickly.

After weeks of testing and intensive rehab, I'm fully 100% recovered.

When I hugged and fed Starlight, she's soo adorable. She got her eyes from Daniel. Her nose from me and her mouth from Daniel. I loved playing with Starlight.

"Starlight, do you want to see daddy? He will be so happy to see you."

"Crystal, I wanted to talk to you something. From now on, I want you to live with me. Stay away from Daniel. He's dangerous." My father said.

"Father, explain why you stopped my heartbeat when I was still in a coma?" I said.

"I'm sorry Crystal, it's just... I didn't want to see you hurt. I didn't want Daniel to hurt my daughter. That was why I lied to them."

"Why would you do that? Daniel must've been hurting over me for the past few months... what have you done, father? This is not you... you're just being selfish. I love Daniel. He loves me. Starlight is our child. We made love with each other. You say he hurts me? He's more hurt than I am!! You know what.. I'm going back to China." I gave my dad a lesson.

"Crystal, if you want to go.. you can go."

I was so angry with my father.. I didn't know what to say.

"Oh... about you being my father.. what's the story behind that?" I asked.

"Your mother and I divorced. I was an workaholic. I came to work in Thailand because I like this community. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I knew about about Daniel and your relationship when you were on TV. I knew his uncle and knew how dangerous he was. That was why I didn't want to tell you."

"Dad, I got shot by one of his minions, and you tell me that you didn't want me to know?" I shouted.

"Crystal.. hear me out.. I was worried about your safety. But if you want to go and see Daniel, you can go. Your stuff is on the table. Bring Starlight's documents too." My father said.

"I'll drive you to airport now."

"Thanks, dad." I said.