
Next morning came, I woke up beside Daniel. I kissed him before feeding Starlight. Then, I heard Daniel crying again in his sleep.

"Daniel, it's okay. It's a dream." I laid beside him again and wiped away his tears. Daniel grabbed my hand tightly and it was hard to let go.

After Daniel woke up, I asked him if he was alright. He nodded but his energy was pretty low since last night. I asked David and James to come over and they agreed to call Daniel's doctor.

When the doctor arrived, he was very kind and asked us to bring Daniel to the living room. I gently told Daniel to get up and I carefully led him to the living room.

The doctor asked several questions to Daniel and he suggested we should let him do hypnotherapy.

"It will be beneficial for Daniel since his memories were being suppressed. The recent symptoms he showed was from the suppressed memories that's been stuck there for a long time. It's about to resurface soon. It won't harm him. It will be a bit uncomfortable, he may scream or yell or cry. But that is the process, please hold onto his hand so he feels supported. Okay?" He smiled at me.

I told Daniel the doctor is going to be doing hypnotherapy. Daniel held onto my hand tightly.

"Crystal, I'm afraid. I'm scared." Daniel said.

"It's alright, I'm right here. I won't leave you. I will hold you hand. It's okay, I'm here for you." I told him while hugging and kissing him.

While he's ready, the doctor told us to close all window and curtains.

"Let us begin." The doctor said.

"Take a deep breath, breathe out. Repeat that several time. You will feel tired and sleepy. Relax your muscles." The doctor said.

I held on to Daniel's hand as he quietly fell into a trance.

"You will see a staircase, go down each staircase. Go to the first door. Good job. Tell me what you see." The doctor said.

"I see two persons... I don't know them. I hear them saying my name." Daniel said.

"Good job, keep on going." The doctor said.

"I see them coming... uhhh... agh!! Ahhhggg!" Screamed Daniel. I held his hand and wiped away the cold sweat on his face and neck.

"No... no... don't hit me. I'm sorry... mom...I'm sorry... I did wrong." Daniel cried uncontrollably.

"Okay, now sleep." The doctor snapped his fingers again. Daniel calmed down and fell into trance once again.

"Go down the stairs, go to second door. Open it. Good job. Tell me what you see." The doctor said.

"I see fire... No! Don't leave me behind! Mom! Dad! Help!! it's burning! Help! ahgg... " Daniel screamed once again. I held his tightly and he grabbed onto me.

"Good job, Daniel. Now take a deep breath. This is the last door. This door is your suppressed memory. Try to open it. Can you open it? Focus on what you want to know. The truth. Now, focus on that door. Try to open it." The doctor said.

"It's opened." Daniel said.

"Good, tell me what you see." He said.

"I see two adults, not my mom and dad. They told me to go out... I see a strange man.... no!! don't set it on fire! no!! No!!" Daniel suddenly woke up without the doctor doing anything. He gasped and tried to grab onto me.

"Crystal. Where are you? I'm scared. Crystal..." Daniel cried.

"I'm right here, Daniel. I'm right here. Good job on remembering. I love you. You did well, my love. Very well." I hugged and kissed him. He hugged me without letting go.

"Thank you doctor. Thank you." The doctor smiled and told me to make sure he gets enough rest. We thanked him as he went out.

As he left, Daniel calmed down a bit. "I want water." He said weakly. After I helped him, he told me wants to sleep more. I led him to our bedroom, tucked him into bed, kissed him and he slept soundly.

I took Starlight out to the living room while we played.

I thanked David and James for coming and they said their goodbyes.

Thank goodness, Daniel remembered his memories. Now it won't be hard to figure it out who was the arsonist.

As I went into our bedroom, I smiled because Daniel is actually catching up some sleep.