Sweetness of Starlight

As Starlight and the other kids were playing with the waterfall, Elaine started to snap some picture of them.

"Look at these cuties. I love watching them!" Elaine said happily.

"Same here." I replied while drinking my icy water.

"After they finish playing, why don't we go inside to eat some food." Shan Shan said it as she fanned herself with a magazine.

After half an hour, Starlight came to me and said, "Mommy, let's play together!! You also got your swimsuit on. Let's go!!" I waved at Elaine and Shan Shan as I went with Starlight.

"Crystal is a such a wonderful woman and mother. She's incredible." Said Elaine.

"For sure, she died and came back alive." Shan Shan added.

"I heard that from David when I asked about Crystal." Elaine said.

"She's a gem." Elaine said as she drank her iced coffee.

As I have fun with Starlight, I smiled and thought if Daniel could see this... how wonderful it will be.

Starlight asked me, "Mommy, can I buy daddy something? He isn't drinking anything. I don't want him to be thirsty. It's hot outside."

I said, sure. I brought Starlight to the cashier and asked for lemon iced tea since Daniel doesn't like coffee very much.

"Daddy! I have something for you. Give me your hand." Starlight said happily.

"What is it?" Daniel wondered.

As Starlight gave the lemon iced tea to Daniel she said, " I asked Mommy to buy this for you. Drink it, it's hot outside." Daniel smiled and thanked us.

"Daddy, I want to go hug you." Starlight said.

Daniel was surprised and asked, "Sure, sweet heart. What's the matter?"

"I'm sad you cannot see, you must be really hurting. " Starlight took off his sunglasses and she saw the big scar and kissed Daniel's scarred eye.

Daniel was really touched and hugged Starlight.

"I'm okay, Starlight. Daddy is okay now. Daddy is happy when Starlight is happy." Daniel let Starlight go and let her play some more.

David and James were wowed by Starlight's maturity at such young age.

"Daniel, how did Crystal brought Starlight up so good and mature? I don't get it." David said.

Daniel smiled and said, "Starlight's personality mirrors Crystal. I'm in love with Crystal even more now."

"You're so lucky, Daniel. You got a beautiful wife and three kids." James told him.

"Another thing Crystal told me about is that Starlight represents hope. Especially during my difficult and hard times, Starlight always given me comfort and peace." Daniel said proudly.

After a while, Elaine and Shan Shan told me Starlight is so mature and great to my husband. I smiled and said, "I told Starlight that her daddy has been hurt a lot before. That is why I told her whenever possible, give daddy a hug. He will need it. And I told her about the scar on Daniel's eye... because someone hurt him, give him a kiss on the scar so it doesn't hurt. I told Starlight that Daniel is blind." I told them.

"Wow, Crystal. You're such a wonderful mother." Elaine clapped and patted me on my back.

I am really proud of Starlight.