Stick Together

As we all headed up, Starlight woke up and got herself some cold lemon water.

She walked in to the living room and saw us talking.

"Mommy, what are you talking about?" She asked.

"We are talking about how to keep you guys safe for the rest of the trip. The bad guy you saw also hurt Mommy too. So I need to protect you and your sisters." I kissed her on the forehead and she hugged.

"Oh." She said. Then she got off my lap then played with the other kids.

"Starlight is so mature for her age." Elaine told me. I smiled.

As I watched the kids playing, I felt really happy. Then David and James came in and we discussed that it's better for us to stick together from now on. Since we know Uncle Li is making a move already.

I understood and nodded.

Daniel was asleep so I will talk to him about it after he wakes up.

Starlight went into Daniel's room to get something when she heard something.

"Uhhhhgg... ughh..." panted Daniel.

"Daddy! Does your leg hurt? What's wrong?" Starlight asked worrily.

"S..S..Star...light... ughhh!" Daniel screamed in pain.

"Daddy, I am here. It's okay." Starlight held Daniel hand in hope he will get better. But it's not...

"Mommy, Mommy, Daddy in trouble!!" Screamed Starlight.

"What's wrong, Starlight? Tell me." I asked calmly.

"Daddy's leg hurts. I hold his hand already but he isn't getting better." Starlight said.

I told Starlight to play with the other kids and ask Elaine to watch them.

As I went to Daniel's bedside, he was sweating.

"Daniel, I'm here. Don't worry." As I kissed him on the forehead.

"Crystal, it hurts... ughh." cried Daniel.

As I hugged him tight, I held his hand.

"It's okay, everything is fine. I'm right here." As I told Daniel.

Daniel wouldn't let go of my hand.