
When evening came, we took the kids to dinner and they ate very happily. Suddenly, Starlight told me when she goes back to school after our trip, she wants to study hard and become a doctor to help people like daddy. I was so surprised and asked why... "Starlight, why did you think of that suddenly?" Starlight replied, "When daddy was in a lot of pain, I really wanted to help but I didn't know what to do. If I go to school, i can be a doctor in the future. So i can help people like daddy." I kissed her and said, "You're the best, Starlight. Study hard, Mommy and daddy will be proud of you." Starlight smiled.

When we went to the main lobby, there was apparently a performance that kid's can go on and perform. Starlight enjoyed it so I asked her if she wants to try it out. She said she wants too.

When the emcee saw Starlight, she immediately welcomed her. The emcee asked her some questions and Starlight answered everyone of them.

When it was Starlight's turn, Elaine and Shanshan, David and James were cheering for her. I smiled as I told Daniel about it.

"Thank you everyone. This is my first time on stage... I will be singing a song that I've learned on TV. I really want to thank my mommy and daddy, aunt and uncle for always be by my side. This song... I really want to sing... for my daddy. Since he cannot see me because his eyes were hurt before. I really hope my singing can touch his heart. I love you, daddy."

The emcee asked Starlight a final question, "What song are you going to sing?" Starlight answer, "Eidelweiss... because I want to give all of my love to my daddy and mommy."

Everyone clapped and cheered. We were surprised Starlight knew this song.

When she started singing, I was touched. Even the audience had tears in their eyes. When she sang the middle part, Eliane and Shanshan cried. Starlight sang so well and we were so surprised by her.

When she finished and bowed, we were so happy for her.

The emcee asked, "Can you tell where is your daddy?" Starlight pointed at Daniel. The emcee told the parents to go on stage too.

As I wheeled Daniel to the stage, Starlight was so happy. "This is my daddy and I love him." As Starlight gave Daniel a kiss on the cheek. Everyone awwed and said our daughter is so cute and mature. I thanked them. I kissed Starlight and hugged her. Starlight kissed me and ran to Daniel, "Daddy, did you enjoy?" Daniel was crying because he was touched. He finally found her face and kissed on her forehead. "I love you, Starlight." Starlight hugged Daniel as we walked off stage. Everyone clapped and cheered for us. Starlight is such a great and mature daughter. We couldn't ask for more.