the queen is in labor

Huli was walking back and forth in front of the door of the Chamber where Kaida was giving birth. Tatsu and Koto were waiting next to the doors until they could take over a baby to examine.

"How long has it been?"

Tatsu cleared his throat "your highness almost 8 hours"

Huli walked back and forth faster and occasionally looked worried at the door. Why is it so quiet? And why is there still no news?

Suddenly the door opened and Rei quickly put a crying baby into Koto's hands.

"The first prince is born"

When she finished, she quickly closed the door again. Before she did that, Huli saw an exhausted Kaida through a crack, giving her all to give birth to the second one.

He hurried to Koto who held the Crying baby. He pushed aside the cloth in which he was wrapped and looked at the Boy. He was so small, but the volume it delivered was huge.

He had red hairs and the light skin of Huli. The moment Huli ran his hand over his head, he stopped crying.

"Sorry I know you are curious about your son, but I really have to hurry and examine him now"

Huli nodded and let Koto Pass. When the boy no longer felt Huli's hand, he started to cry again . Huli watched with emotion that he could not describe how Koto walked away with his son.

Within twenty minutes the door flew open again and Rei shoved the second child into the hands of Tatsu. Huli and Tatsu were both worried because, unlike the first baby, it didn't cry.

"The first princess is born"

Rei closed the door again and this time Huli couldn't sneak peak into the room. He approached Tatsu and looked at the second baby. This one had the white hair of Huli and the tinted skin of Kaida. She was sleeping peacefully in Tatsu's arms.

"I will now also leave to examine the little princess"

Huli nodded and looked worriedly at the door. Tatsu put a hand on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, probably Jaya or Kyona will walk outside with the third within twenty minutes and then you can go to Kaida"

It was now a hour ago that Tatsu had said that to him, but still nobody had come out with news.


Rei wiped Kaida's forehead with a wet cloth

"You are doing well, my dear. Just hold on two are already born healthy "

Kaida just looked at Rei with blurry eyes

"I'm so tired, Rei. I have no strength"

While Rei was reassuring and assisting Kaida , Jaya and Kyona looked worried. The situation was not favorable. It was an hour ago that Kaida gave birth to the second baby and time was really running out.

Kaida had lost a lot of blood and lost more strenght by the minute, in addition the baby received less and less oxygen, which endangered both Kaida's life and the baby. And no matter how often Kaida pushed and how much force she put in it, she couldn't give birth to the third baby.

Kyona turned to a maid

"is there any news about my aunt's location?"

The maid bowed her head

"queen of the wolves tribe, your aunt departed from the south at sunrise, but was attacked by warriors on the way north. With the help of your father and uncle, she has been able to continue her way. She can arrive any time "

Jaya felt the belly of Kaida, she felt it harden again.

"Kyona I think it's time we help her, if it takes longer we will have to make a choice"

Kyona nodded because she also saw the seriousness of the situation. She stood beside Kaida and put her hands on Kaida's belly.

"Big sister the moment Jaya says you can push, I would help you by pressing my hands on your stomach. This will not be a pleasant feeling, please dont hold it against me"

Jaya signaled to Kaida that she could Push. So she did with all the strength she had. The moment Kyona pressed on her stomach, she was in pain, but she kept herself strong. This repeated itself a few times and Kaida felt herself becoming weaker.

"I feel something! A few more times and I think we will be able to see the head! "

Jaya was a bit relieved because they had made some progress. But she also noticed because of Kaida's pulse that things were not going in the right direction. she dismissed her negative thoughts and assisted Kaida again in her delivery.

She did indeed see the head coming after a few more pushes and with the help of Jaya and Kyona, Kaida had manages to bring the last baby into the world. But she really lost too much blood with the last baby and her heartbeat became weaker.

Jaya worst thoughts came true, the last baby wasn't breathing and his lips were blue. He felt cold and did not move. She saw that it was a boy with red hair and that he was smaller than the other two.

With a weak voice, Kaida said

"why are you all so quiet? How is the baby?"

Rei stroked her hair

"I'm so sorry dear"

Kaida tried to rise but had no strength to get up.

"Give me my child"

Kyona walked over to her

"big sister, it's better if .."


Jaya quickly wrapped the baby in a cloth and stood beside Kaida. She sank a little to her knees and showed the baby.

"Take it out of that cloth and give me the opportunity to hold it"

Jaya thought that Kaida wanted to hold him before he was taken away and don't think much about it. But she knew she had to treat kaida wounds quickly.

"OK, but you don't have much time. You have lost a lot of blood and we really need to treat you "

Kaida nodded while Jaya placed the baby next to her. With great difficulty she ran her hand over the baby's face.

"Look at how cold you are my baby, there is nothing that a little warmth can't help"

Kaida closed her eyes and rested her forehead against the baby's head. When she closed her eyes she saw a small red flame burning in the dark.

Is this all that is left of my flame? It might be enough for me to survive, but I will give you the last bit of my flame my child. "

Kyona, who was preparing everything to treat Kaida, suddenly got a strange feeling. She looked at Kaida and hurried toward her.

"Big sister you can't do this!"

Kyona hurried to the bed, but was too late. She felt a slight gust of warmth go through the chamber. When the gust of wind disappeared, she suddenly heard the cry of the baby lying next to kaida.

Huli who had heard the cry of Kyona could not hold back and rushed inside. The first thing he saw was how Kaida looked at the baby with a smile.

"My king, don't forget our promise"

When Kaida said that, her eyes closed and her hand went limp over the edge of the bed. She saw her little red flame slowly go out. But Just before her flame went out, it turned into a blue flame and slowly grew larger.

Before Kaida's hand could fall, Huli had grabbed her hand. He shook her back and forth while calling her name. He pleaded her to wake up.

Rei tried to calm him down

"your highness maybe it's better if you first look at the second prince"

Huli looked coldly at the baby who was lying next to Kaida and crying. He said in a cold tone

"get that child out of my sight, it's his fault. I don't want to see any of those children until my wife wakes up "

"King of the foxes tribe, it has been a long day, I suggest you retire. I will take care of my niece and I can assure you that she will wake up "

Everyone looked at the doorway and saw Rana. It was clear from her panting that she was in a hurry. She quickly approached Kaida and examined her.

"I am sorry my child that I am so late"

She looked at the baby who was crying inconsolably beside her. The child had red hair and looked very much like his father. In addition to having Kaida's red hair, he had the appearance of Huli.

However, Huli did not look at the baby and without saying a word he turned around and walked out the door.


Only two days later did he hear that Kaida was out of danger, but when she would wake up was up to her will to live.. When he heard that she was out of danger, he rushed to the chamber where she was lying.

Just before he arrived at Kaida's chamber, a servant approached him

"Your Highness I am coming with a message from the council members. They ask which names to include in the birth register "

Huli walked past the servant

"I don't care let my mother take care of that"

The servant shuffled nervously back and forth and spoke uncertainly

"your highness I do not know if that is a good idea of what happened. The royal family of the dragon tribe is currently, to put it mildly, not happy with the situation either. They demand that the babies be immediately taken back to their own chamber "

Huli waved his hands

"again I don't care, let my mother handle the situation with the dragon tribe and Hú wilp take care of the affairs with the councilors but I don't have the time for it"