Did you noticed?

Kaida looked at Kenta who suddenly looked so mature to her. He looked formal in the costume of the dragon tribe and that was because of the way his gown was tied, and the way his gown was tied had another meaning. His hair was longer and just fell over his shoulders.

"What brings you her my first little brother?"

Kenta looked up hesitantly at Kaida and smiled weakly

"Can't I just visit my first sister? It's been a while and you know that you are like a mother to us. "

Kaida felt that something was bothering him, but she also knew that he would speak up when he was ready

"Ke, I see you're growing your hair, can I assume it's because of our costum?"

It was customary in the dragon tribe that the men did not cut their hairs once they had given their heart to their future partner, and only when the marriage was over or the partner died was the hair cut.

The only exception had been her father, he refused to cut his hair because his heart would be with their mother forever and he was not going to remarry. Even under the pressure of the elders who felt that the ten children needed a mother.

"Red, I don't know what to do. I finally let her in my heart to still get a disappointment "

Kaida looked at the sad Kenta and rubbed his head

"If you want to talk about it, I'm always there for you. Is she the one who tied your Toga? "

Kenta only nodded

"Have you noticed how she tied your gown?"

Kenta looked confused at Kaida and shook his head.

"No red I did not check that, I was already surprised that she managed to tie it!"

Kaida laughed so it's not someone from the dragon tribe. She stood up and motioned to Kenta to stand in front of the mirror.

When Kenta looked closely at how his gown was tied, he saw that his gown was wrapped to the left instead of to the right and the knot of his gown was on his left shoulder.

The extra fabric of the gown fell to the front over the left side of his chest over his heart instead of his back.

When Kenta saw that, he felt his heart beat faster, but tried to keep calm. Hama was not of the dragon tribe it could very well be a coincidence that she had tied his gown how only the man's love pair would tie it.

"Why are you so happy Ke?

Kenta turned his face away from Kaida, blushing and tried to look casual

"It could have been a coincidence!"

Kaida sat down laughing again and took a sip of her tea

"Coincidence? Did she ever ask you for directions when she tied your gown for you? Did it seem like she didn't know what she was doing when tying your gown?"

Kenta sat down again and remembered Hama's attitude while tying his gown. She was a bit shy, but when she took the gown, it didn't seem like she didn't know how to tie it.

"It looks like she knew exactly how to tie your gown, first little brother. I am curious about the lady who is so spirited to make such an announcement. If we had been in the south everyone would have already congratulated you on your upcoming marriage "

Kenta looked irritated at Kaida, who was happily teasing him.

"First sister red, I heard that a seer is not allowed to choose their own marriage partner, is that right?"

Kaida choked on her tea and looked at Kenta with wide eyes. He is interested in Hama! Yes it must be because apart from the twins Kana and Kanea only Harue was a seer. And seers were scarce.

"Sorry I took a wrong sip, but that's right the elders will decide about that."

When Kenta heard that, he collapsed on the sofa with a gloomy face. He could have known, but since he saw her at Kyona's wedding, her face kept haunting him in his mind.

When Kaida sat down next to Kenta, he laid down with his head on her legs. She rubbed her hand as he closed his eyes.

"I miss mama first sister, earlier in the day I passed her statue ice. It looks exactly like her. "

Kaida smiled bitterly as she thought of their mother

"I also miss her first brother. If you are sure of your heart, I suggest talking to grandmother "

Kenta nodded while enjoying how Kaida rubbed his head like their mother did.


'Is there a reason we are here?'

Long stood irritated next to kaida, who was wearing her red-gold armor. She had two swords in each of her hand and tied her long red hair in a tail.

Kaida looked around her, she was on a large area that was unknown to her. She had been wondering for a week why her brothers and sisters were in the north. But she mainly wondered why, apart from their grandmother, the other elderls were also in the North.

Kaida saw the familiar faces of Cuan and his wolf. they stood with Kyona and her Dragon. Further on the area were Salmus and Mamushi on their snake, and Fu laid with her back against a mountain while Huli laid on her back.

Kaida wondered why only the earlier crown princes and crown princess of the tribes and thier partners were present.

She turned to Long and stroked her nose

"I don't know the reason why we were called to here either"

Kaida walked further up the area and joined the rest. She gave them a small greeting and then turned to Salmus and Mamushi.

"Congratulations on the birth of your fourth child"

Mamushi beamed and grabbed Kaida's hands

"Thanks red after three sons we finally have a daughter!"

Kyona grinned

"Yes, a daughter who looks like Salmus!"

Mamushi narrowed her eyes while looking at Kyona

"I can't even argue with you, but our sons look more like me than Salmus!"

They wanted to talk further until they felt the ground shake. It was so intense that they had to make an effort to stand still, the air around them became harder for them to breathe.

The sky suddenly became pitch dark while the sun was not down yet. They felt that they were stiff and moving was difficult.

Just at that moment a hurricane of snow and ice came from the left, which made them shiver with cold. On the right side a sea of fire came which first made them warm again but then too warm.

When they looked in front of them, they saw that the four elders had arrived.

They noticed that the ground was no longer shaking and the sky was clear blue again. They could breathe and move more easily. The hurricane of snow and ice and the sea of fire had also disappeared.