Weekend life at home...

Chapter Five

Weekend Life at home…

Getting back home, with the load of groceries heavy in my hand, tried opening the door but it seems that it was locked

'Oh noooo' I sighed in the weight of what I was carrying and way tired from the long walk home

'Seems like mom went out thinking I had my own key at hand with me, what do I do now' I thought

'Oh, yeah' I went to our small garage with the groceries in hand, waited there till I saw my mom car pull into our driveway

"Hey Jimmy?" she called out as soon as she came down from the car in front of the garage

"Am so sorry" she said coming to me, seems like she's already gotten the cue, "Thought you left the house with your own key"

Getting Inside I immediately went upstairs into my room, as I had to think through the bad experience I just had at the groceries store

'clank…' locked my room door and immediately picked up my phone, "5 missed calls and 3 messuages damn"

_hey bro, it's Ronald, you got t.…

_Ok man, saw your message, a.…

_Ok, guess you couldn't make i.…

^Part of the three messages showed on his phone screen even before i opened the phone using my password

Opened it up as i typed the password*******

First message: Ronald [3: 22pm]

hey bro, it's Ronald, you got to see this, these videos are massive, so many weird shit here

Second message: Franklyn [4:02]

Ok man, saw your message, am at the laboratory throughout today, so anytime you come by, you will see me there

Third message: Franklyn [6:02]

Ok, guess you couldn't make it, closing for the day, see you next time man

'Oh shit' I sighed, have just missed today again on working on the tech project with Franklyn, got to change my habit on that, so we can make significant progress in a lesser time frame

Then immediately I got thinking of the message Ronald had just sent, that means the video we retrieve must have captured some other activity that happened in the computer laboratory we didn't know of

Would have loved to go over to Ronald's place, but it's salready late and also the other side of town, like not the rich next door neighbourhood but the opposite, people living there tries their best to just survive, and there the crime rate was high around there

That was one of the reason I always consider when thinking of Ronald's behaviour, trying to move forward in life in such an environment must be a nightmare

'Oh no, this is all draining my time second by second, got to work on more tangible things before I am stuck in a loop of thoughts that only leads to a more senseless occupied mind and wasted time'

My better mind have suddenly sprang up to life as I lift myself off the bed

Went to my reading table, got to work on some of the technical readings Franklyn sent me, have got to finish it before tomorrow like I promise him

The following day...

The air was still cool from the cold night, which I had to go get the bed blanket from the wardrobe and bundled myself in it, that had helped a lot as it made me sleep peacefully without waking up every 5 minutes

This was Saturday, so the start of the weekend, which I hope would be good in all aspects, not knowing what it holds for me as there's an infinite number of ways things could turn out within these few days

Had made up my mind yesterday night before sleeping to go into Brookline townside the next day, that's today, which was where Ronald live

Already feeling the growling of my stomach, 'need to eat something this morning' my mind went, jumped out of bed and went downstairs

"Mom??" I called for my mother as I came downstairs, reaching the dinning table after checking the whole house she wasn't anywhere to be found

Must have gone put which was a bit unusual as she only leaves from noon since that was when her work starts

Putting that off my mind, checked the fridge, "Oh, yeah" smiled, she had already prepared what I was going to eat this morning (bread, egg sauce and cereals)

'brooom… ooomm' I heard the vibration as my phone started ringing 'Let the light shine bright in the shallow phase…..'

It was Ronald calling

"Hi bro Wassup" I asked immediately said as I answered the phone,

"How's it going" he replied

"all good over here, what about there?"

"Same as usual, got my message right?, When are you coming over" Ronald asked "Cant wait to start watching myself in ACTIONNNN" I could hear the glee and laughter in his Voice

"Wait, you haven't watched it yet?" i asked in surprise as he had told me that he was seeing some weird stuff in the video, so that was obviously a lie

"Lol man, so you believed me, was just saying that so you come earlier than later, haven't watched it yet obviously you need to be here let's watch it together"

"Ok man, I would be there soon, your elder brother is not around, or is he?" I asked, didn't want him to be so we can hang some time rocking his play console,

So many games filled his elder brothers room that I get my head clouded when trying to choose which one to play

By 11am, after a few hours of Just talking with Ronald, I decided that it was time to go to his place

Tho mom wasn't back yet but I know for sure that she carried her keys before going out, she always did as it was among the set where her car keys are

Went back upstairs to prepare to go to Ronald's place, left a note on the dinning table saying so, incase my mum came back before I do

Called Ronald's number, rang a few times before he finally picks

"Wassup bro,where have you been, being calling you for a while now"

"Oh sorry man, phone was a bit far away" he replied

"Ok cool, coming over to your place now" I told him, "you around right?"

"Yeah sure, come let's watch a Pro at work; ME" he laughed as he said this

"Ok Mr Pro, see me there soon" I jested and then ended the call

'seems like I am entering Brookline today' my mind went as I dressed to go out