Girls talk

Anya had only 2 hours of sleep before waking up to get ready. She had to meet with Lilly that morning, and finding 4 missed calls and 10 texts of her friend asking her where she was, almost gave her a heart attack; Lilly was never the patient type.

Anya fetched the notebooks she'll need for the day and left the house without breakfast.


"What took you so long- dear god you look awful, panda" said Lilly as a greeting when seeing her friend join her table.

"I'm sorry, I'm late. I know we were meant to meet at 10:30, but I overslept" said Anya as she took a seat in the chair facing her friend.

"You were never the type to oversleep, especially when we are supposed to meet. Did you stay late hyper fixating on one of your many hobbies again?" Lilly said with a scolding tone.

"Well..." said Anya, as her cheeks blushed with a light shade of pink and her gaze met the ground. "I kind of stayed up late talking to a guy on the app you suggested", she added, wishing Lilly didn't actually hear her.

Her wish wasn't granted as her friend screamed "YOU WHAT ?" in the middle of the cafeteria where they planed to meet. "YOU? TEXTING LATE AT NIGHT? AND A GUY NONETHELESS ?", she added with an excited and shocked tone

Lilly kept screaming from surprise. At that point, it was too late to stop her, Anya thought.

The excited friend proceeded to ask every question she had in mind, in such a speed, that all Anya could do was look at her and wait for her to calm down.

"-WAIT IS HE HOT?" Lilly asker at last, With wide curious eyes. Which was the only question Anya could understand, really.

"I don't know", she replied. "I didn't see it necessary to ask for pictures", she added.

"I'm not even surprised", Lilly said, letting out a long sigh and tossing her hands in the air as she leaned back on her chair.

She shook her head and smiled "well that's still progress. For how long did your conversation last? I'd assume 3 hours. Although, I don't think that guy can make such miracle happen", Lilly said, reaching for her cup of coffee.

"We talked for about 9 hours I think" Anya said trying to count the hours in her head.

Lilly almost spit her drink and choked, "9 HOURS ?", she said in Middle of coughing.

Anya chuckled while handing her friend some water. "Nothing major happened, but trust me, I'm as surprised as you are. I wasn't even going to talk to him. And before I knew it, It was already 9 am." Anya paused, then added "Now that I think about it, I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was just being myself. He didn't ask me for pictures or if I want to call or anything like that".

"Do you at least have his number?" Lilly asked with a slightly concerned expression.

"I don't. Neither of us asked for it, actually." Anya replied.

Lilly just put her hand on her face, shaking her head while fixing her friend with a stare. An expression to which Anya replied with "What? Don't look at me like that. Although I did enjoy the conversation, that might have just been a one time thing. I don't know the guy, we might never talk again".

Lilly dropped her hand and said "I know, it's none of my business. I just hope you know what you're doing. Keep in mind that, on that app, if you accidentally delete the conversation, it'll be gone forever, along with the person you talked too. There's no research feature there. You won't find them again, even If you want to."

"Why would I want to look for him if that ever happened? " Anya said, while trying to ignore the worry seed that grew in her eyes. 

Lilly just rose her eyebrows in response, she wasn't buying it.

"It's true, he is just a stranger after all. He means nothing to me", Anya added. Again, why this pinch in the heart ? She asked herself. I'm just lacking sleep and imagining stuff, She thought, shoving it into the back of her head.

"I guess I'll just take your word for it. So tell me, what did you talk about and what is he like ? " Lilly said, in an attempt to change the atmosphere that surrounded them. Knowing well that Anya didn't mean anything she said.

Anya told her friend about Daniel. She also told her vaguely about what their conversation was about.

The two girls ended up chatting for some time before going to attend their afternoon lectures.

The lecture was long and boring. By the time it was over, half of people attending were yawning, Anya and Lilly included.

As they headed out, Lilly suggested to get something to eat before going home. Anya couldn't say no, she was starving after all.


It was already late when the girls parted. After spending a couple hours eating, talking and laughing, it was time to go home.

On her way home, Anya went Into the bakery of the neighbourhood.

"Oh, hi Anya" a voice greeted her as she went inside.

"Hi, aunt Claire." Anya said as she smiled to the woman behind the counter.

"I didn't expect you, dear. Came for me or to shop? " the woman said. It was her way to tease the girl.

Anya laughed and responded " for both, aunty".

The door of the bakery opened again.

"Hi, Anya", a male voice said behind her.

-to be continued.