Defeating Procrastination with Appearances

When it comes to writing, one of the biggest obstacles writers face is procrastination. It's one thing to have no inspiration (aka writer's block) and languishing over one's inability to come up with any ideas, it's another to deliberately allow procrastination prevent one from writing masterpieces. Throughout time and history, procrastination has been one of mankind's greatest fallacies, but some famous writers came up with an ingenious solution to their procrastination: altering their appearance into something embarrassing until they finish writing.

One such writer who utilized this solution was the Greek orator, Demosthenes. In an effort to force himself to stay focused on composing his orations rather dillydallying, Demosthenes would shave off half of his hair, leaving himself half bald and utterly ridiculous looking. As a result, Demosthenes's ridiculous appearance would embarrass him to the point that he wouldn't be tempted to procrastinate by leaving his home, giving him more time to write his orations at home.

Another such writer who utilized this solution was the legendary author of "Les Miserables," Victor Hugo. In an effort to force himself to meet his daily writing goals, Hugo would have his valet hide his clothes. Once again, using one's appearance to discourage procrastination successfully helps another writer actually write. In Hugo's case, his lack of clothing ensured he wouldn't go outside for fear of being arrested as a nudist. (Of course, this goes on to imply that "Les Miserables" was written by a nudist).

Procrastination is a huge problem for many; for some, it is so severe that they go to desperate measures to overcome their procrastination. Though this may result in some questionable methods, they are undoubtedly successful.