Chapter 5

Dion's Pov

As we stop in front of the team, a thought strike me, 'What if every team is facing a strong opponent that we cant beat out there?'

I made my decision...

"Now..." as I scan the roon, it seems that every team has finish deciding which type each of them wants.

"Lets gather up again."

I told everyone as I signal to every group leader to get the paper back.

Glenda took the paper as well, though I dont think we need it since I memorize everything already.

But there might be a 99% possibilty where there is a point people would want to change the type of attackers they want after hearing to what I say.

Everybody is gather up, unlike just now, they are all in their organized teams in every part of the circle.

"There are some things I want to say, but I need to talk to Cedric and Gin first while all of you reconsider your decision again before I say anything else..."

The three of us went to the corner of the room where they could not hear our conversation.

"What's the matter?" Cedric ask

' I Guess he havent thought about the possibility yet, huh?'

I thought to myself as Gin snicker.

That snicker meant that he knows everything, I cant believe Cedric didn't thought about it from what happened just now...

*Flashback* before I remember that Glenda is my assisstant..

I thought for real until my thoughts were cut off by someone, it was Wendy!

"Why is this weapon for mages has a sniper type?"

Wendy ask and everybody start thinking for answers.

Before everybody could think of an answer to her question, you know who came in...


"The answer is simple, it is because sniper was originally a far type attacker, but afterwards they realise that snipers are useless since there is no spot to hide, that is why they decided to put it as a mage type to slow the enemy down in emergency!

As well as, a spot to fill in assassin since they cant go near or even surprise attack."

"How did you know?"

Ashely ask sharply.


Gin answer nervously as he stop talking and think of answers to what he suppose to say to that.

"Its because it is in the history book of mages!" as Gin takes out a thin book from his pocket.

Ashely snatch it away from Gin and nod his head while reading the first page of it, he was about to say something he might regret until...

Cedric cut in and say,

"Oh this! No wonder you understand it so well, just now I read this and it was well-detailed, I wanted to show it to my team but it disappeared... So it was you huh?"

'Oh right! If Gin is our enemy then he is really strong and he even know this place more than we do, however if he is our ally then...

He will lose trust even if he is a undercover agent sent by the instructors! I need to follow Cedric's lead...'

As Cedric question Gin, I follow the flow of their conversation,

"Haha, Gin might have wanted to show off to the girls, thats why he hide the book and earn some points from the girls... Lol!"

Gin saw me and he got the clue and became embarrased while scratching the back of his head,

"Yes..." is all he could muster out while acting.

Ashely took the bait and actually believe it.

Both Cedric and I pat Gin's back as a sign of good cooperation.

      *Back to reality*

I explain to Cedric,

"There is a possibilty when we get out there, there might be a strong enemy that even if we join forces also cannot defeat!"

Gin nodded while Cedric just shock by the idea.

'Maybe he thought that we are fighting different enemies...

Dion and Cedric are smart but they both lack of something the other one has, if they become partners.. hehe'

Gin think while giving off his famous smirk.

"So, Gin... Since you have the history book of mages, you must be our ally arent you?" Dion ask.

Knowing that his cover being blown, Gin answer using a begging tone:

" Yes, I am sent by the instructors but please tell no one."

He look at both Dion and Cedric.

Both of them nodded and Dion said or should it be count as threatening him,

"But you have to answer all of our questions.."

Cedric stare at Gin~

"If I can answer it, then fine~"

Gin answer unwillingly as he pouted while thinking,

'The game havent even started yet and my cover is being blown off by the two of them, even if I lie, they will also realise it.'

"Definitely~" Gin murmered

Both of them tilt their head as they thought they heard Gin say something, but Gin shake his head while signalling them to start questioning before anyone comes.