Chapter 10

Leonard's Pov

Bryan look at me then at Glenda, he sigh, "Fine.. But if you or any other people in your team dare to say it, you know what happens..." as he massage his knuckles and clearly I can hear the cracking sound.

'He's serious!!!' I flinch while looking at him making sure he doesn't take a step near me as I answer back: "Great! I will take note about it..."

< "You better be!" > Don't know when did Glenda stand beside Bryan but both of them glare ar me saying those 3 words.

Even though the place here shouldn't be too hot and too cold but I pespire so much that my forehead is sweating. I immedaitely nod my head and left within a second.

I walk towards where Dion was supposed to be and yet she disappeared. I start looking around for her, hoping that she isn't with anybody from my team.


'They are in a shield battle mode!'

Shield battle mode~

A training area where by 2 people are inside training and their attacks won't hit anybody outside, because they are enveloped by a white colour barrier. Nobody goes in and nobody goes out.

People can't notice it unless they walk close enough to see the infinitesimal difference between the air around and the white barrier.

What the half implict mind of Gin is he doing?! Shield battle mode is a training explicity for professionals! Why is he in it with a rookie?!

But my thoughts of Dion as a rookie was cut off. Why wasy I stupid just like before?!

Dion dash forawrd with a long sword on her right hand and a shield on her left hand.

Gin move backwards swinging the sword with his 2 hands using explosive made from alchohol and contaction with air.

"..." I stare at Gin, "That is a combustion reaction used as a rocket fuel! Ahh!!! 2CH3OH liquid and 3O2 gas to become 2CO2 gas and 4H2Ogas. How can we find all of this to have enough to get back?! Idiot!" is what I wanted to shout if there wasn't anybody from behind. 😑

"Cracking!" Dion shouted as her sword starts to glow. Alkanes with long carbon chains such as those found in bitumen are not usually used as fuels.

As it is less flammable but it can be broken up into smaller molecules to meet demands.

Like bullets of petrolm gas that can kill a monster in less than a few seconds, even worse is that if her teammate never noticed her usage of skill, they will also die. But, Dion won't get affected, afterall she's the user.

'Wait a second! That means she is also a support?! I thought she is a marksman! Well as expected...'

Gin dodge all her attack and... "NO2!"

Dion look around her.


'It's up, Idiot!" Without shouting, I look on top of her.

She sense it and look up. One drop of water came in contact with her eye. She immediately back away, with one hand covering her right eye, the other pull the shield upwards blocling the acid rain from damaging her.

"Hmph! Smart.. But it will still irritate your resperitory system." Gin smile snickerly

"Ha~" Dion leave the shield on top of her floating and dash towards Gin with 2 swords and her right eye close.

"Do you really think that you'll win.. You can't" Gin said as he dodge her straight front attack. At the same time I faceplam at her stupidiness until...

Another Dion came from behind Gin and her sword touch his neck.

"我去!这也太厉害了吧!" Everybody immedaitely look at me with curious look. Oh crap! I forgot they don't know chinese and I'm using it!

"Cough-" I pretend nothing happen but in my mind, 'She can use duplication method?! That isn't something a newbie can do, I wonder who is she... that she can do something that awesome?'

"Shield battle mode off!" System said although it seems only both of them can hear.

An item appear in front of Dion.

"...." I have nothing to say as people start to surround her.

Yeah right!

"Gin, what's going on?" I immedaitely use a commandor's voice to ask.

"She said she want to fight fair and square so..."

"Idiot!" ×50 times in my mind shouting~

"You're an real idiot! Anyway, how come she got a prize? Isn't that for officials only..." I ask

"Ahem.." Gin: "Dad what are you thinking..."

The crows suddenly dispers and Dion make a shield mode surrounding her.

< "Huh?" > A few of the sounded

Dion spin her new weapon, even though she's in a shield mode, the air, I can feel it...