
While Jax was making his way towards where he would fight his first life and death battles a other group was also getting ready to leave.

Back in the Kingdom of Lionness Merlin was talking to the rest of the sins, "It seems that Edinburgh has been taken over by the Vampire clan" many noises where heard in the room and many questions were asked before Zaratras asked the sins to go to the Kingdom of Edinburgh while him Dreyfus and Hendrickson would protect the Kingdom of Lioness.

The sins made their move and arrived in the dark Kingdom of Edinburgh that was fully coated in darkness by the Vampire king Izraf,

Meliodas could be seen carrying, Escanor's sacred treasure The Divine Axe Rhitta. While Escanor being in his night form was apologizing for every single mistake he would make and being shy while talking about Merlin.

In the Kingdom of Edinburgh Ban could be seen walking around when suddenly a vampire appeared before his eyes the vampire started introducing himself,

"I'm Royal Vampire, Orlondi The Rose and I will be drinking your blood or killing you" Ban just looked at the small fucking vampire in front of him and thought inside 'who does this little guy think he is' before his blood started getting sucked after pointless talk from the vampire Ban finally decided to not care anymore and started to drink some wine and starting to get drunk. The little vampire started to swell up and screaming he would kill Ban before he was killed by Ban.

While all this was going on Escanor was facing another Vampire the king of the Vampire clan, Izraf, Escanor still being in his Night form was shy and even slightly afraid of the Vampire King, Izraf kept throwing insults at Escanor something he would later very much regret. After all, a Vampire King with only a power level of 4890 was acting arrogantly in front of Escanor the strongest sin, The sin of pride.

Meliodas kept on walking before he felt something, something that made him shocked of course he knew of the Vampire clan but why did he feel a bloodline that resembled that of his adopted son? Before thinking of the answer two women appeared In front of him "But I never thought I would see you again" Meliodas looked at the women that were in front of him and asked, "have we met before?" while not being sure who they were.

The women on the left side started introducing herself, "I'm Vampire Royalty Ren The Black Claw" in his mind Meliodas was laughing at the obvious naming sense after all the women had 2 blades in her hands. And then the women on the right started to introduce herself and Meliodas was shocked, "I'm Gelda of the thousands temptations" it was not that Meliodas knew these two but the women on his right side he felt a similar bloodline to that of Jax.

'it couldn't be right' before Meliodas could further think Ren launched herself at Meliodas and started attacking him a series of attacks were exchanged where Ren attacked and Meliodas countered yet both of them didn't hit each other, Meliodas still asking who he was being mistaken for with a slight idea in his head but when Ren still told him, "I will never forget your face, Demon Zeldris" shock was apparent on his face this time not like in the manga shocked to hear his name again but shocked because his thought was most likely right.

Before Ren could launch another attack a flame appeared and killed Ren, Gelda slowly made her way to Meliodas while saying, "I know you are not him but I have a request for you" She stopped for a minute before saying her next words, "please kill me" Meliodas looked at her like she was stupid before he asked her, "so did you and my brother have intercourse" at first Gelda thought he made some kind of joke but seeing the look on his face she knew that was a very serious question and instead of answering him with a question like how he knew they were a couple she told him.

"we were in love so of course, you know the answer," Gelda said still trying to figure out why he would ask that. A long silence was present while Meliodas was in his thinking mode but his thinking mode was broken when Gelda spoke up again, "Please kill me" Meliodas looked at her once more like she was stupid before saying, "why would I kill the mother of my adoptive son" he said while looking very serious.

Gelda was shocked she was a mother? She didn't even know this fact so she asked Meliodas why he was so sure about that and how could that be after all she didn't exactly experience childbirth.

Meliodas was also thinking about this fact before Merlin suddenly teleported next to Meliodas while examing Gelda and saying her conclusion,

"I guess before Zeldris sealed you-you were pregnant but didn't know this the seal that Zeldris did was good to keep Vampire's sealed but a Royal Demon especially a talented one like Jax would not be kept in there" before she could say anything else Gelda had tears in her eyes, "so his name is Jax"

Merlin continued her story of how Jax probably kept on growing while being in the seal and that it took him many years to be finally born and before being able to escape the seal and be teleported to a random forest where he was found by Meliodas.

Gelda asked many questions to Meliodas while he gladly answered them before Gelda told the whole story of what happened between her and Zeldris how he was ordered to kill the vampires but instead sealed them away.

Meliodas looked at her and saying, "I won't kill you I will seal you once again in the hopes of you guys being a family later in life" Meliodas said with a sad smile knowing Jax couldn't see his mother yet.

Gelda also understood this and said with a sad smile, "please take care of him and I will be looking forward to the day I see him"

Like this, she was sealed once again and Jax didn't even know that the incident with his mother was this day no he was finally in the forest ready to fight some life and death battles the only thing he felt was a connection appear and disappear yet he didn't worry about it.

Inside the Castle of Izraf, a bulked up Escanor stood there while having killed The King of The Vampires.

In his head, only one thought was apparent, 'acting prideful in front of me and insulting me The Sin of Pride the one that stands on top of all the clans will only result in, death.'

Like this, the incident of Edinburgh ended.