
In a region that was called the Ban oo region, a Bulky man could be seen walking towards the Kingdom of Lionnes to continue the onslaught he was on. He walked with his troops that all seemed barbaric he himself was quite the barbaric person too. They laughed but not for long suddenly a huge Lighting bolt struck in front of them. The smoke cleared and two people walked out while looking at the army in front of them. Shiny armor was seen on the two people that suddenly appeared out of nowhere the leader looked at them in disdain.

Before one of his soldiers screamed, "boss those two are Holy Knight" still the leader seemed unfazed not knowing the full extent of the ability of those that had the title Holy Knight. The leader screamed that the bloodfest would continue. One of the Holy Knights smiled, "would Jax hate fests like you do Gil" the two Holy Knights that came to shut down the march of this army were indeed the two people that were like Jax's brothers Gilthunder and Howzer. Gilthunder kept his indifferent face while smiling inside, "don't know the only thing I know is that I really hate them" He said while moving his arm upwards and lightning could be seen gathering around his sword. And then he slashed downwards and all the lighting that was gathered multiplied many times while he took out the half of the army.

Howzer just smiled before he used his spiraled lance with a mixture of his Magic, Tempest a magic that makes him able to create violent windstorms. With this, the mixture of Gilthunder's magic and Howzer's magic defeated a whole army that consisted of 3000 men. The smoke was still there when Gilthunder looked unsatisfied at what he just did. Howzer noticed this and decided to ask him what was wrong.

Gilthunder didn't even look at him while speaking, "We are strong here but I was knocked out while fighting Jax" Gilthunder could be seen drilling his nails into his hand his frustrations were as clear as the sky above them. "You know I vowed to protect him yet he could easily knock me out" Gilthunder looked at Howzer for the first time, "we need to get stronger to even be an equal to him" Howzer smiled while saying, "we will get stronger." They didn't know if they could surpass their own human limits but who knows maybe humans that could match demons and gods were just born. No one knew only time could tell.

In a different place where Guila's dead body laid a man could be seen at least one could tell he was a man from the voice he had. "I knew you weren't ready to faze them yet but I didn't expect this to happen" A man with an armor that covered even his head said while he just slowly turned around and walked away. If one could see his expression they were sure to see indifference towards the woman that laid there. It was as if she was just a toy that was disposable at any given time.

Back in the Kingdom of Lionnes Gilthunder and Howzer could be seen standing in front of a man while reporting their previous mission. The man talked about the great holy war that would be sure to happen once more Howzer was shocked when he heard Dreyfus talk about that the Holy war could be against the group his friend was part of. They no longer were called The Seven Deadly Sins by Dreyfus but Jax was mixed into the group the name had changed, The Eight Deadly Sins was what they were referred to right now.

"The one that is the most dangerous is Meliodas his wrath swallowed a whole country" a slight pause was present before he continued, "but the one we need to worry about the most is the youngest member" shock was now not just on Howzer's face but also on the face of Gilthunder, "why is that" they both asked at the same time. Dreyfus looked them in the eye before talking once more, "the potential he has is too terrifying." Dreyfus didn't know of Jax's real power yet or they would really fear him but potential was a scary thing. If two groups that are on bad terms with each other get notice off a child being born with immense potential they would do anything to kill it.

It was the same situation here the Holy Knights wanted to do anything to make sure Jax doesn't grow up and being able to threaten them. Sadly for them, they noticed this too late Jax had already grown to a point where they couldn't really threaten him.

In a bar, a young man sneezed and a pig asked him "are you okay"

"its nothing just some people talking about me I think" Jax answered with laughter.

Suddenly Meliodas walked through the door, "Jax there is a fighting festival going on the price being Dianne's sacred treasure are you interested?" Normally Jax would have said no because there would be no challenge to him in the whole competition he loved to battle yes. But he couldn't enjoy it with weak opponents but something crossed his mind, 'Howzer will be there'

Jax looked at Meliodas and answered, "sign me up"