
"Its time for you to return my friend" Cupid could be seen talking to a young looking man while they were drinking. Of course, this was Jax who was in the higher realm right now drinking with the God of love. Over the course, they had slowly become friends but the time had come Jax needed to go back to the world he originally came from.

"I have one question to ask Cupid" Jax started his sentence while an image of an old man smiling appeared in his head. "How is he" Cupid, of course, knew that Jax meant Luciv the master of the boy before him. Cupid frowned a bit while he spoke, "you know Jax your master is strong in your world yet here he is not much. He would have been one of the strongest gods if Lucifer didn't injure him that day."

Shock passed through Jax's body he knew Luciv was injured but those were healed? Or are they not? "They healed right?" Jax asked with some worry. Cupid looked rather sad towards Jax "no they never did. That day was a day even some gods would not forget that day a small man stood before an existence that was destined to become a god. Lucifer had massive potential but you know" it was paused while Cupid looked at Jax

"luciv his potential was the highest ever seen before you were born. He was the one who I wanted to become my successor at first. I'm thankful to him for raising you my successor" Cupid smiled, "I promise to you Jax no matter what happens here in the higher realms I will protect your master.

"Thank you"

Jax said while slightly bowing towards Cupid. Cupid smiled at this gesture while he spoke

"it's not needed Jax you are my friend" a great feeling washed over Cupid while he said those words. How long had it been since he had a friend? It was too long many of his comrades died before his very eyes. He had lived a long time and many of his old friends were no longer there.

He was too busy trying to balance everything trying to make the higher realms a realm of peace. He looked towards Jax while he talked,

"good luck my friend but take this advice from me. Enjoy your life don't set your responsibility before your friends or family" it was something Cupid had learned not too long ago.

He was the peacekeeper of the realms and he didn't have anything he desired. He was the god of love yet he himself didn't find it. Too afraid for another betrayal like he experienced.

"Goodbye my friend I hope to see you again" and in the next instant Jax was gone from Cupid's sight 'he really will be a better god of love. Just what are you thinking creator' Cupid thought while he looked up into the sky in hopes of getting an answer from the one who created all. Yet the only thing that grazed his ears was silence.

A young man could be seen sitting in a cave with his eyes closed while he suddenly jolted awake it was as if he had a nightmare. Jax was back in the world of Nanatsu no taizai. He looked to his right where a bird peacefully slept. Jax didn't know how long he was away for but he decided not to worry about it now. His mind was tired but so was his body he slowly felt his eyes get heavier and slowly darkness started to appear in his vision. In the next instant, Jax was sleeping.

A while later he once again opened his eyes he was rested and ready for his journey. It was time to wake up Rose and start her training so she would grow into the Mythical Phoenix she once was. He had no idea how they would achieve this but he was certain that it was possible.

He lightly tapped the bird before she looked at Jax and her soft voice entered his ears,

"good morning Jax." Over time Rose didn't call Jax father anymore slowly her mind evolved and she realized he wasn't her father instead they now had a friendship or more like a partnership.

"Its time for you to get stronger Rose"

Jax said towards the bird that comfortably laid there.

After a while of Rose and Jax talking they started to walk out of the cave. It was time for Rose to get stronger and for Jax to test his new ability, his Bankai.