
Confusion was the emotion Jax could read in Rose's expression. This continued for several seconds before Rose spoke up, " to be honest Jax I don't know" she said with a guilty expression. She wished she could tell that she would stay with him. But deep down she knew it the higher beings have felt her reincarnation. They couldn't enter this world with a whim after all Cupid was there to stop them.

A god would never intervene in the matters of a low world like this without his permission. It was impossible to do, but if they could sneak by him, Jax would be in danger. He would be killed without a second thought.

What she didn't know was that Jax was destined to be the successor to Cupid if she knew this and the Phoenix clans knew this too no one would dare to hurt him. Or much less even touch a single hair of his body. Cupid was known for his ruthlessness when his rules were breached he would slaughter without a second thought.

It happened a couple of times before one did not do what Cupid wanted and suddenly the higher realms where painted in the blood of those that opposed him. No one loved him even though he is the God of Love, but if one was honest, it was because of him that every single race lived in peace.

She was scared, scared that the one that helped her regain life would die at the hands of those that killed her before. Rose wanted to leave. She didn't know why she felt like this, but a certain feeling was present when looking at Jax. It was no love, but if she would be honest with herself, she could see herself developing feelings towards him.

She remembered the times when he took care of her back when she was so weakened she couldn't even be reborn. Even if back then her mental age was so low that she said some embarrassing stuff she still remembered everything from those times. Jax was a person that would be like an ant to the past her, but she could feel it only at the age of 15 almost 16 he had reached a strong power level.

Even able to fight against the Demons and Gods of this world he was one who had reached a level of power that was rather incredible for his age. Many would take thousands of years to achieve this, yet he only needed 15 years. He would grow into a man that would go on to the higher realms. It was something she was sure of something that was not up to debate.

Jax could see her conflicted expression and spoke up, "are you afraid that I will be killed?" slight disdain at the words 'killed' where heard. Rose hesitated before speaking, "yes I am." For a little while, silence fell into the space before laughter was heard. Jax could be seen holding his stomach and laughing before he looked dangerous.

He no longer looked like an imposing young man, but his demeanor changed to that of a king looked at a bunch of ants while his dragon wings grew once again. Slowly he flew up into the sky while Rose followed him he hadn't used his dragon's wings for a while, but they grew a lot.

Jax stopped while he looked down on the world before him while he began to speak. "You know Rose I never expected you to turn into a woman of the beauty you posses neither did I expect that you would have such a story."

Jax said while looking over the world he was part off. He continued his story once more, "I have lived, and I have realized that this world is not the only one. I'm not so short-sighted that I believe to be the strongest." Rose felt relieved that he knew he was not much in the bigger picture but what she saw next shocked her.

Jax looked at the world while the will of a king erupted from his body while killing intent also leaked while he spoke. "I know I'm not much now… but I know I will become the one that stands atop all." Silence absolute silence even the wind didn't dare to move it was as if Jax was the king of all.

"If one blocks my way to strength or dares to hurt those I care for."

Jax said while looking at Rose with care. She had been with him for a while now his feelings for her were complicated, but one thing he knew for sure was that he wouldn't allow the Phoenix clan to hurt her. No matter what would happen. "If one dares to do that, the only thing that is their fate is death" It wasn't a promise that he wouldn't keep because he would for sure keep the things he promised.

When Jax told this Rose looked at him with shock passing through her body. She remembered that fateful day the day that Cupid stood a top of the skies of the higher realms. While he set his decree if one would break it what would happen. The same determination that emitted from his body back then was now in front of her. A smile that could kill a man was planted on her face while she spoke and looked at Jax.

"Then I will stay with you for now Jax."