
The ten commandments, a group of the finest Demons the elite soldiers of the demon king. A group that Jax's adopted father once led and both his birth father and other uncle were part of them. Excitement was running through the veins of Jax he would have the opportunity to fight some worthy opponents. He was bored at the moment no one could match him.

Even Rose a former god couldn't match him since she couldn't intervene with this world. Her abilities were nerved after all the rule that gods can't intervene in the lower realms also counted for her. In the place were The ten commandments were freed from the seal that bounded them for 3000 years a man, in particular, was feeling shocked. But every single one of the commandments felt it.

A man with a mustache turned towards the young looking man with black hair with a frown on his face while asked. "Zeldris is this what I think it, is" Monspeet asked. Every single commandment wanted answers they felt it a strong demon walked this planet. Maybe at first they would have thought it to be Meliodas the betrayer.

But when they thought about it it felt too similar to Zeldris. They all came to one conclusion Zeldris had a child one they didn't know about. They wanted answers yet the look on Zeldris explained all. He himself didn't seem to know of what was happening either.

Back in a simple bar, a young man with blonde hair could be seen chugging a can of beer. While he looked in the direction of where he felt the sensation earlier. "So you have returned brother" Meliodas whispered in a low voice. Conflicted is how he felt he knew of what his little brother went through and he could understand the hardships he would be facing soon.

Meliodas knew that his younger brother was loyal to his father and he knew the child he himself had raised wouldn't pick his father's side. A fateful clash between father and son would maybe happen in the near future. Meliodas himself knew that Jax loved a battle and his brother Zeldris was strong. Even if the man is Jax's father Meliodas didn't know if Jax would show any sympathy to him.

In a dark world also known as the Purgatory, a big Viking looking man could be seen standing. He was watching his elite soldiers return from their seal. And a sinister smile could be seen through his thick beard. It was time for his soldiers to once more turn the world upside down.

The demon king had ambition he wanted to rule this world and he wanted the best vessel. For him that would be Jax at first it was his oldest son yet the son of his youngest son surpassed even his adoptive father.

Jax could be seen straightening his body while he looked at the woman next to him. Rose was worried her eyes were big and her lips were shaking. It was clear that she wanted Jax to be okay. A smile crept on Jax's face while he also felt his heart beat a little faster. It was nice to know that somebody cares about you. "What happened," Rose asked she had a feeling that she knew what happened but she had to make sure.

A long sigh was released from Jax's mouth while a little smile was also there. He had waited for the moment that this group would appear once more in this world. He wanted to meet his father but even more than that he wanted to fight him. Show him that his son isnt a disappointment and that he can be proud of him. Even if he Zeldris was never there for him Jax knew that it wasn't by choice. "The Ten Commandments are here," Jax told Rose who seemed to understand what this meant. A little 'oh' was heard from her beautiful lips. "So what is the plan for now?" Rose asked.

At first, the plan was to continue traveling but she knew that once the commandments would return this would stop. An apologetic smile was on Jax's face while he explained to Rose what the plans for now are.

"At first we will check the Sins and see if they are ready for what's about to happen." A teasing smile was on Jax's face while he said the next words.

"And of course I got to introduce you to them" he felt comfortable with Rose so slowly he started to joke with her. The woman with red hair and red eyes suddenly turned red too while she looked away shyly. Jax continued his story "after that we would check up on Howzer and Gilthunder to see how strong they have become."

A sharp look suddenly appeared on Jax's face,

"and then we will meet them, the commandments"