It was a sight no one expected to see. The ten commandments who stood tall and proud for thousands of years had shock washed over their faces. They saw one of their members one who was a proud and strong elite fighter of the demon race crawl to them.
Galand who was under the wounds had finally made his way back to the commandments. A demon who installed fear in masses of people right now was beaten to a shell of his former self. If Galand was honest he was scared. There was only one other person that gave him such a feeling. And that was the demon king himself.
The commandments saw their comrade crawling with such wounds and they hurried down the tree they were on. "What happened" was what Galand heard. When he lifted his head he saw him the one that is responsible for the existence of that monster. Hate was heard when Galand spoke, "Zeldris this is your fault." The proud demon looked at the defeated demon before him and spoke,
"how is this my fault?" He asked with curiosity. "What do you think? You never told us that you had a son" Galand spoke with anger. Every single Commandment turned to Zeldris with a questionable face. All wanted an answer to what they just heard. "I have a son?" Zeldris asked clearly interested and excited. He knew he had a child yet he didn't know of its gender. "Yes, you have. After all, he is the one that did this to me."
"How did he do that then" this time it was Estarossa who spoke towards Galand. "He is stronger, stronger than we could have expected. With ease, he beat me. And I know that he didn't use all of his power." Galand said knowing that the person that fought him didn't use everything. After all, he was a royal demon a demon mode would definitely be in his blood.
"He didn't even use his demon powers to do this to me. Now tell me if he did that would I still be alive?" Every single commandment knew of the power that the demons possessed. After all, they themselves had it. If the child of Zeldris used this Galand would not be here anymore. "But what is his purpose for not killing you then," Zeldris asked.
"He asked me to relay a message to all of you," Galand spoke. Curious faces were seen the commandments awaited the message that the young man wanted to relay. And like that Galand spoke of the message. Every single commandments looked angry and wanted to tear the man apart. Except Zeldris who was in serious thought.
He had a son after being sealed for 3000 years he didn't expect to find out that Gelda had given birth. But what was worse, his own son just said that he would fight every commandment if they crossed his line. Thus that would mean that he would fight him his own birth father.
Conflicted is how Zeldris felt. The loyalty he held towards his father and the love he had for his own child were fighting a battle inside. But what he didn't expect was what Galand said next.
"He asked me to relay a personal message to you Zeldris," Galand said while he still laid there on the ground.
Inside a dark space that was known as purgatory, a Viking looking giant could be seen. This man was known as the demon king. Grandfather of Jax and the one that would do anything to keep his throne. He had a smirk on his face while he was calculating how his plan would work out. He had decided that his son Meliodas would no longer be his vessel.
The grandson he had would prove to be more useful. After seeing the power he had against Galand he was sure. Almost turning 16 yet possessing that much power was something he wanted. The limitless potential that flowed in that boy was something he craved for. He saw himself taking over that body and achieving great things many times when he slept. Right now he was watching through a bird and the sight he saw was what he had planned.
A woman the most beautiful he had ever seen yet that didn't interest him. The red hair and red eyes that she had indicated that she was the one he was looking for. A sadistic smile was on his face while he kept thinking about his plan.
Inside the kingdom, Jax could be seen being surrounded by the sins and Gil and Howzer. They all asked if he was okay. After the battle and Galand who crawled out of there, Jax crumbled. Sitting on one knee while taking deep breaths. "I'm fine" was all he said. He had just activated his Bankai balance.
And if he was honest it was too overpowered. Yet he knew it. The amount of time he could use it for right now was limited. After all, having access to each element would put a strain on your body. Back then he felt like a king but he had to gain familiarity with that feeling.
"So what now," Meliodas asked he knew that the commandments wouldn't take it lightly that one of them was beaten like this. Jax looked up and a serious look was on his face, "its time for you to get your power back." Shock was seen through the sins their captain wasn't at full strength?
Jax wanted Meliodas to regain his previous power. But when he said previous power he didn't mean that which he sealed away. No, he meant the power he wielded back when he was the leader of the commandments. He himself thought that Meliodas should overcome the darkness and not fall into it. But he knew that his adoptive father wouldn't do it so he didn't speak of it.
The plan was for Meliodas to get his power back and the sins to train. And for Jax, it was time to pick up Rose again. After all, she couldn't fight with her power being sealed.
At the moment thanks to the laws she was nothing more than a mere mortal.