
A sight that seemed to come from the heavens was playing out. A beautiful woman and a beautiful man who stood on top of the highest mountain these lands could find. The beautiful sunset and the various birds that flew through the sky. The light breeze that flew through their hair from time to time.

The two looked at each other and the woman spoke words the man never expected to hear in his lifetime, "I love you." Is all that the beautiful red-haired woman spoke. If one heard those words they would know that what she said was the truth.

The care and love when she spoke out those words were immense. And as soon as the man heard those words his eyes widened while being slightly speechless this happened. "What do you mean?" is all that he could say. He wished that those words the thought to hear where the truth. But he was scared that his ears had betrayed him.

"I know of your past and I know everything about you. How scared you are to love again how much weight is on your shoulders." The woman said with a smile and continued her talk, "but Jax I love you. I wish to be with you I wish to stand by your side in the hard times and the good times.

I want to help you when you lose your way. I hope you feel the same way" The woman with the beautiful red hair seemed scared of the answer she would receive.

She was vulnerable right now her world could be shattered if he rejected her. But instead, her world lighted up even more when she saw the smile that was plastered on his face while he told her the words the wished to hear more than anything.

"I love you too"

as soon as those words were heard she smiled. A smile that could kill a whole country and countless men would kill to see that smile. The sight that was happening was something truly beautiful. The two people man and woman embraced each other while their lips touched.

Both had been through a lot in their lives they experienced heartbreak, betrayal and thought to never love again. But when they met each other something pulled them together. A feeling of wanting to be together was slowly planted in both of their hearts. They would give up their lives for each other in a heartbeat yet both were scared to express their true feelings.

But the final push was when Rose saw how devastated Jax was when his master died. How he was slowly losing his way and the feeling of helping him was there yet she didn't know how. Like that she knew that she had to tell him how she felt about him. For days she didn't know how but when they wanted to leave for the fighting festival she knew it was time.

Hiding was all that Jax tried to do and the only one that truly noticed was Rose. She didn't know if it was the right time to tell him but she did. And right now she felt like the happiest woman alive feeling the lips of the man she choose to love. The slight breeze that ran through their hairs while they kissed. The look they gave each other when it was all over. From this moment forwards both would have someone they could trust with their hearth and soul.

They sat together at the edge of the mountain looking at the beautiful sight that laid beneath them. But the only thing they had eyes for was each other. They talked about many things the life the lived before they met each other.

The moments of fun they had back then and also the painful things they experienced. It was a loving sight of two people who truly fit together. The sun started to drop before Rose spoke, "let's take a break from all this fighting. Since you have come into this world have you thought about anything else?"

And Jax thought and thought but he realized that the only thing he cared about was his strength.

"Let's take a break then what do you have in mind?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"Nothing much just a day where we do nothing but relax together and explore this world and its beautiful surroundings."

She said while looking at the beautiful landscape that laid in front of her eyes.