"Dad please, don't give up we need you...." said the young girl to her beloved father with tears rushing from her eyes silky cheeks...
"Darling don't push your self too much...*caugh* *caugh* daddy's ain't gonna live you...I will be with you forever..I promise that...*caugh* "
said the man so weak and dying breathing as hard as he could...
"No dad! No! Just hold on! she said with a loud voice like her heart is screaming of severe sadness and she's like running out of tears.
" Dan always remember....*caugh* be good in school... and take good care of your mom."
it is his dying wish to her child full of sorrow and loneliness .. and time came he lost his breath and surrendered his life in the arms of his wife and daughter in their great despair...
five years later....
It's luch break where Danielle Is in Mac University Cafeteria and was eating her lunch ... when she remembered her friend Lucy, she grabbed her phone and texted her.
Dan: why are you not in school???
Lucy: Still have hangover, not still fully recovered!!! >.< it pisses me off!!!
Dan: So why drink much???
Lucy: I'll spill off, I'll be school later see yah!!!
Dan: okay, I'll wait.
Danielle without Lucy is like an empty hallway.... deafening sound of silence and complete boringness!!!! 'cause without her she's all by her self, walking alone like a ghost and her coldness reached negative zero degrees, obviously she's not one of the socialize person, she only gets into people when she's with Lucy..cause Lucy is her complete opposite and its a question why they became friends...
But though she has also features that you would admire despite of her coldness she is one of the outstanding students of Mac University's Engeneering Department...
Many of the female students envy her not only because of her intelligence but also on her physical features...
Long black hair, sexy waist, wide hips normal size chest fair flawless skin high bridge nose that blends in her cute face and soft slender lips... but her intriguing side is wearing a black nerdy glasses and using nude colored lipstick.. sound peculiar ... but thats her, Danielle Scarlet Ortega Daughter of Carlo Ortega the CEO of TG business group when he died the position was under taken by her wife Cecilia Lopez Ortega the mother of Danielle. When Danielle went to college she left her house and live on her own and no one on her classmates know that she is an heiress exept Lucy Vellijo her only friend.
after lunch she never felt leaving the cafe, insteed she grabbed her study guide and read it, reading.is her habbit, thats why she's having.a.peaceful but boring life...
"Excuse me miss." said the unknown voice of a guy.
Dan looked up to know who's talking to her...it was a handsome creature standing in front of her...
"Yes?" Dan replied in a cold tone as usual
guy: "..."
Dan: -_-
"Uhm, it seem that you are alone, would you mind if I join you?" asked the guy
they just stared at each other for seconds till Dan answered
"okay" as cold tone as ever
" By the way i'm Sil....."
riiiiinnnnnggggg!!!!! he didn't finish what he is saying when the school bell rang
Dan fixed her things and stood up
"Good talk, i'm leaving I still have a class this time " Dan already started to walk when some body hold her wrist when she looked back...
Dan: "..."
the guy is holding her wrist...
"what?" Dan asked
"uhm I'm still new here do you know where is fourth year class A Engeneerig dept. is?" he replied when his face looks like a child lost in the woods..
"I'm heading there, go with me" again she replied coldly
"Ah thanks for offering your help " the guy smiled at her, his asset smile where most of the girls fell on to... but for Danielle...
as just cold as ever
"Can you already let go of your hand????"
Dan asked him pointing to her wrist while he is holding it.