Sophia preparation

After talk with Greg Sophia was in seven heaven knowing that he agree meet with her. She wanted to look awesome for him.

Then she went to her wardrobe looking for good dress.

While looking what she have new she start talking loud "not this , not this , not this why my mother love this design it show to much skin it's not for me. Oh I finally found you. Time to wear you for the first time'. After finding a dress she start doing light make up to only to show her beautiful face more attractive.

While she was so focused on her makeup she haven't hear her mother going inside her room.

When Angela saw her daughter she was curious why she take one of most expensive dress that she buy for her knowing that it was 'for special occasions' that what she tell her a year ago.

When looking at her daughter she remembered time when she was going after her now husband. Roland was businessman who have problems with his family company.

She was national treasure actress who at that time have that title for short time. When she found out about his problems she help him from shadow. Thanks to her actions some company sign contract with him and she became face of company. Thanks to her actions company become bigger and bigger after few years it become what is now. Looking at Sophia she ask

"where you are going my dear"

"to meet someone"

"male of female"

"male" she tell shyly

"ok but remember you need comeback before 20:00"

"I don't have 16 years old but 25 remember that mother"

"ok baby but I need to know who he is and what his family doing. I hope he is from rich family oh could it be Wu boy? I saw how in love he is in you His eyes shows that."

"No its not him and never mentioned his name in front of me. I hate him. I want tell you who he is. I need to go fast I don't want to be late"

"ok ok save trip and don't take your BMW we still don't change wheels to winter and its snowing now. We change in Audi so use it"

"Ok mom I will be going now"

When Angela saw how happy her daughter is only wanted her to be happy nothing more. 'I only hope that this man she fell in love was from good family not someone who ended only high school or lower. Who don't know how to speak properly and only playing at her feelings' she thought and she went down to kitchen inform them that in few hours they will have her husband friend visit who don't see him for many years.