Girls talk (2)

"I know but I need to him take responsibility for taking my first kiss"

Mei and Megan look dumbfounded by Sophia words they wanted to ask more but then her phone rang. When Sophia saw it was Greg she take iPhone and go to toilet to talk normally

When she close doors she start talking with him Mei and Megan was listening to her. Mei couldn't hear what she was talking so she scream "SOP". when she go out from place she look angry.

"What you want from me"

"Nothing I just don't like when you ran away from us"

"Oh I can't to talk in private"


"So tell us now what he is doing how he look and finally how you find him"

"Easy girl I will tell you every think i know about him" Sophia tell loud but she add in mind 'I can't tell her that he is that strimmer that she watch every day maybe later'

When they sit again Sophia drink a little of vine and start talking

"He work at my father company. He is tall and a little big. I found him because he gain save my father. It happened at 23. you should remember that we have drinking party with shareholders. My father fall down and he come to save him. After that I follow him to see thanks him for that act and then I heard him talking to himself about saving my father second time.'

"Oh so that's how you find him" Megan said and she look at Mei with asking eyes to help with questioning her again.

When Mei saw her look she ask Sophia "Ok but you said earlier that he isn't going after you that's impossible so could you tell us why"

"Ok he was in relationship with some b***h she was with him only for bet"

Megan and Mai eyes open more with fire showing there

"He find out about this when she was f****d and he heard they conversation"

Both girls was shock "How bad luck he have had to meet someone like that" both say in the same time

"I know and that's why he isn't after me. Ok end of our talk lets watch something and drink"

"Ok" both answered texting to each other how to meet him

Sophia saw what they were doing but her thoughts was only on Greg how could she help him. First she needed to help him with job to not be fired and then 'use' him with moving to her penthouse. Sophia needed to buy some sexy sport outfit to use it while unpacking her thinks. Mei and Megan were to focus on texting that they haven't saw that Sophia was not paying attentions. After short time they stop movie and start gossips about every think what happened in last few months. They talk was so long that they fall asleep talking around 7.