You can cook

Greg go there and start doing what she wanted from him. After 10 minutes of work he finish moving thinks and he start unpacking it. It wasn't good thing to do when he saw all her underwear he fell uncomfortable. This was his first time unpacking woman underwear. He know some of brands by adds that show him while watching. Brands of underwear were Triumph, Victoria Secret and Lingerie. Based on his quick math it was in proportion of 80% was Triumph, 15% Victoria Secret and 5% too sexy Lingerie. He always saw models wearing it and it was always awesome to him. When he saw last his little friend start walking up but he start thinking about another think so he don't wake up at full only a little that it wasn't show.

Greg start calculating how much she pay for it and it was too much all of them were in different colors most of them were white. second was purple 'oh she like that color' he though than start imagination how she will look wearing it. This action wasn't new for him. He always have dreams of her wearing some sexy underwear.

"hmmm she for 100% look sexy in this but she is after me. I know if I accept her I will be the happiest guy on earth but I can't trust her. She probably have her motive of her actions." Greg said in low voice

Then a big surprise come. Sophia come wearing sport bra and Greg's imaginations almost go wild so he needed to calm down. When she saw him Sophia wanted to said something to him but he said to her

"Where is toilet I need to pee. I don't want to explore your new home knowing that its only one time I'm here"

"Next doors at left" Sophia answer with surprise voice when she saw that he sort out all underwear by color and mark.

Greg move there to calm himself not looking at her awesome figure. He know his body the best after few min he go out and went to room where he was unpacking her thinks.

When he saw Sophia putting all to drawers he ask her " I have a question"

"Yes" Sophia answered with curious voice.

"What is the address of this place I want to order food. Now its normal time for me to eat dinner. Answering your unasked question I don't eat lunch it's not normal to me that time I call second breakfast. Now for me it's time to eat hot meal."

"Oh I don't remember" Sophia answer

"Ok have you have some think in kitchen? If u have I can made some think from there but knowing that you just moving in that could be hard to find there some think"

"Oh you can cook?"

"Yes I learned its easy"

"Not for person who burn water when make coffee. You can look my mother was here today and she said to me that she bought some food to me." Sophia answered. Then Greg start moving to kitchen to look what she have there and think what he could made by it.