I know your hormones still bussing but we will be late

When I know it was to me I turn around with cigarette in my mouth and touching my unshaved beard that have for around 3 weeks. I haven't cut it my shaver stop working when I wanted to use it. He was surprise by my look and I answer him in growl "Nope thanks I will prefer be with your girlfriend knowing what a** you are and probably you can't satisfy her. When she be here she will prefer be with me who don't picks up to someone knowing that have his love or you just wanted to be one night stand. If it second you should change your thinking knowing that any be with you knowing that you could cheat on her. Based on your look they will come to you only for money. Both of that type of person I hate the most on the word."

"What did you said. You should be done now I will kill you" he tell and wanted to hit me but thanks for few years of training kravmaga I dodged his punch. When he miss his punch he landed on trash bin where I douse my previous cigarette.

His white jacket start burning a little and left with black trace made by my ash which left there after I douse there it. I just smile knowing that he deserve this he is a*****e in my eyes I just hate that type of people. One of his friends who I recognize. Her look was stunning like in TV. That person was Mei new national treasure. She look at him and said with disappointing voice

"Jim you should stop doing this. I know your hormones still bussing but we will be late. First apologies him you start this fight. Second look at you jacket it's destroyed now I giving you this and clean yourself. Now move your ass with me or I will send some your photos to newspaper you know I have some. Sorry by his actions he act as a*****e like your said. He inside is good person but sometimes his brain stop working I know him from many years and he always said it"

"Ok thanks for apologizing for him. I hope he learn his lesson to not start fight with someone that he don't know skills of his opponent. Most important think start thinking another way you will be moron in the end of your life remember my words." I point at him saying last words. After few minutes she call to someone I don't know who I haven heard her talk and she was access in this building. When they go inside I burn again cigarette knowing he turn off while we were talking. When I finish it I go inside and start going to Sophia home to finish moving few thinks and go home sleep.