Party (2)

When Greg come close he heard talk between them. One of Sophia friends that was late said with happy voice "You know he is back"

"Who" Sophia answered with curious voice

"He!! That strimmer. He post it today look yourself" she start talking with happy voice.

"Oh that's good" Sophia answered while looking at her friend phone. When she heard that I put some think at table she give me a look. I only move my shoulders and go away from them. When nobody see my I smile knowing that someone is waiting for my comeback. When I enter a kitchen I start finishing sandwiches . I made two plates knowing that they will eat it. While I was finishing it they start karaoke. While looking what they wanted to do I just put plates on table and go away. When Sophia saw what I'm doing she follow me outside when I was ready to start reading I heard her voice.

"Sorry that you need to play as host but I will do nothing in kitchen."

"No problem its normal for me I always was at kitchen when I was at someone party" I lie to her I never go to anybody party. I went sometimes to drink but mostly to places where we all do every think.

When we comeback first what I heard was Mei saying "love birds finally come back to us".

I look at her with strange look. When Sophia hear this she go to her put her hand at her shoulder and said some think at her ear. When Mei heard it she become pale. I don't care what she said but I only wanted to sit down and do nothing.

When I saw empty place at couch that was free for most of time I sit and don't care about the word standing for few hours helping Sophia and doing food exhausted me. Good that I saw not used glass so I could use it I take some juice and start drinking it.

When I finish they give my laptop to sing for karaoke I find one of good old rock song and start singing it. Knowing by voice is bad I choose the shortest and finish it after 2 minutes.

When I saw they eyes I done well finishing it so fast. After 3 more songs karaoke finish. There wasn't any price that's good knowing that I don't win. When talk go so slow Mei said

"Maybe we will play at Q&A but person to choose we will use something to be random"

"Hearing this I remembered 1 play that I play and said we have here bottle. We can spin it who it choose need to answer question"

Hearing my words all agree and we start playing but who will start we choose by rock paper scissors.