Party (5)

"Wow you can cook. That is good skill. You can win her hearth with it. I know she is gluttony."

"Oh I don't know about it. Looking by her posture she don't look like it" I answered honestly

"That is secret she show it when its smell some think good. We all know in our circle of friends"

"That's why she was looking at it with that open eyes. That bad it was probably last time when I cook for her"

"Yea that's bad I saw how she look at you. About physical job I was thinking that she will use her parents workers. Looking at you it impossible don't be angry at me but your posture isn't for someone who can do it"

"No problem you probably saw how fast I can move it thanks to kravmaga its Israel martial art t self-defense that I learn for many years. It was good time there I could easily change my weaknesses to my strong thinks. I learn this there"

"Oh its first time I heard about it. when I haven't see you movements today i haven't trust you. Look at someone could be misleading."

"Thanks for your words"

"No problem and your words affect me now. Maybe i should stop play around and finally ask one person to go out."

"That could be a good idea try and don't stop going after her." I answered him and in mind I add ' again I start being uncle good advice i was hoping i stop beeing one' when he heard my words he answer

" I haven't ask her yet. She always was surrounded by men's so I don't wanted to be someone who go and steal her from someone else. I just don't wanted to be hated by her."

When he said this words he was looking at Mei. Knowing that they are friends it could be hard to go away from friend zone but after her action today I wanted to help him but I don't know how. I wanted to give him some advice but I don't know what to said I never had any girls as my friends. When I finish smoking I have wait for him few more seconds and go inside. While waiting I look at my phone what was uploaded. When I was reading he finish and ask me

"What you are looking at"

"Oh novel that I follow. Its good and about life that I never have"

"You could do it I have faith in you. Lets go inside its freezing and I don't know why you could go out wearing this" he point at me what I was wearing

"Normal for me it isn't cold here"

"Not cold you crazy ok let's go inside"

"Ok" hearing his words i knock at window to someone open doors for us.