Afterparty (1)

When I comeback from smoking all girls go away only Megan and Mei stay. For little of time Jim was here to but he go away too.

When I wanted to start collect my thinks to go home girls start talking to me. After I hear what they wanted to say I was stunned. I don't know what to do I need to think what to do. When I start thinking about it I sit at place and drink what I had I front of me.

When I take a sip I almost puked it was vodka in room temperature ' oh my god how shit this taste. Why I take a sip of it. Tomorrow I hope my liver don't hurt me after that small amount of it.' I scream to myself and put down that glass. When I saw that girls start mixing alcohol I start cleaning table. I just don't want to Sophia do all cleaning.

'Good that Sophia has almost empty fridge' I said to myself and put untouched food that I make there. When I was putting it I take some sandwiches I haven't try them yet.

While I was finally eating girls start talking about me. I don't care what they saying but mostly was it good thinks that Sophia choose me. My hearth start beating fast hearing good words that they said about me. When I finish third sandwiches I look at clock I have 15 minutes left to last bus. When I start dressing up Sophia come to me and ask

"What are you doing"

"Going out I have bus soon and I don't want to be late"

"Could you stay here last our parties ended same and I only have my two best friends with me it become being boring"

Looking at her face I agree to stay. When I sit Megan ask me "what movie you want to watch Sophia have a lot of it here."

Hearing what she said I answer "choose but not horror I hate watching it at night"

"Ok so we choose this" she point at Die Hard 5. When I saw what she choose I ask "did you watch previous movies"

All of them answered at same time "yes and first three was awesome" then Mei add "fourth was boring "

Hearing what she said I answered "Fifth is more boring that forth but we can watch. But before it I will go to kitchen and take food that I hide". After saying this I go there and take 1 plate of sandwiches. when I sit down we start watching it. girls start drinking and when I look at Sophia she drink too much.