Why he is calling

When security guy come I still didn't care about they talk I only wanted to go to bed and lay there with unsatisfaction mood that I haven't done what I wanted to do when they give up this papers. From my thoughts I was discarded by hug from Sophia one again she start showing our love that haven't exist.

When I look at her my eyes landed on her two mountains that show me fully. Her bra probably had some problem I could see every think 'oh my god heaven I see heaven' I start screaming to myself while going with her out of company. I try to don't look there but my look always landed there.

'tell her or nope' I start questioning myself. Part of me wanted to said her but another that I was hopping is hidden with a lot of protection don't wanted to tell her. While I had hidden battle and my hidden side start winning Sophia add gas to fire. While we travel back she lay on me.

Then we come to hotel I couldn't take it anymore not only my side that I wanted to hide show up because of it now I feel pain. Time to our room take for like years. When Sophia open doors I just move fast to toilet. When I enter it I just change sim cards and do what I needed to do. Later to hide all smell I just done what she thought I come there. When I going out I start thinking about what to said her to not enter there.

Then I go out and said my first think what I show in my mind "there is more dangerous that after exploding a nuclear weapon". She probably understand what I mean. 'good that she wasn't suspicious when I take cold shower she could think that her movements while going out work on me but it wasn't truth. Good that I had that headphones with me' I said to myself while sitting to table and start eating with her.

After eating I start reading but then I hear Sophia "what will we do later"

I look at her and answer "I will rest here".

"ok" she answer and lay close to me I could see good it one again but now I look sometimes. I mostly look while waiting to load some novels. 'good having old number still working with this internet here I could do what I need while being here' I said to myself.

After sometime I remembered that my lighter work like it don't want so I get up and said to sophia "I will go to shop buy some stuffs you want some?"

"nope" she answer me. then I dress up and go out. When I go out I fight with that f*****g lighter for some time but then for few second it work so I could finally smoke.

When I start walking to shop I start thinking what to buy. From my thought I become disturbed by my phone. when I saw who is calling I become questioning myself how he know that I use this number. Looking at hour he probably finish his meetings at his business trip so he could call. 'f**k why he is calling let's find out' I said to myself and I answer.