
While we start going to building I stop Sophia and write fast on my phone and show her 'wait I want to smoke'. Then I get my package from my pocket and I saw that I have only 3 left and knowing that today will be long and stressful day for us so I needed to have good level of nicotine in my body. Like always when some think important should happened I smoke like hell. Then I remembered that I don't know when I will have time to go buy extra so I write to her one again

'go inside I need to go to shop and buy one more I know today could be hard day so I will smoke a lot' Sophia said to me "ok I will be waiting in room and later we will go where we need to go" and she went inside.

I one again I go to shop that I found out on our first day here. When I enter almost nobody were here so my shopping. Thanks to that I buy 2 packages, energy drink and doughnuts to have good level of sugar before start of meeting . I bought that energy drink knowing that I will not drink any alcohol today I could drink it easily and it won't have any effect on my health. When I going out I saw shaggy that wanted enter the same shop. he saw me but before he could said something I greet him like always

"yo moron" I said to him while showing him middle finger

"yo" he answer with the same gesture. Then he continued "what you doing here"

"I was making shopping and then I will go to work" I answer him showing what I bought

"where you working and why you don't come back you your place"

"I'm here at business trip with boss over bosses of your company" while saying it I touch him with my finger. "oh yea when you will see me today on meeting act like you don't know me"

"why" he said with curious voice

"just do it" I become more annoyed by his answer

"ok I will be act like that" he finally answered "but we will have beer today remember and no going to room with that hottie that is here"

"ye I know I will be going now" I said to him

"ok see you after meeting probably it will be long so beer after it but not for you" he said while laughing and go to shop while I go to different direction.

After some time I enter company building. I just skip all checking and I go directly to elevator which is so full that I wait for next one. When it finally come I enter it and I go to floor where Sophia I hope is now.

When I enter room I saw that Sophia is reading some think on her phone. then I come to her and I look what she is reading it was something about fashion and me as person who hate it I stop looking at it. when she saw me she almost jump from her seat and throw her phone. thanks to good reflex I catch it and I give it back to her.

"thanks" she said to me and hug me

"no problem" I answer her don't caring if someone is here or nope. Looking at me I haven't react like I make before to her hug.

"ok we will go soon there" she said to me but then she saw food in my hands.

"oh something sweet you have here"

"yes" I answered her and I give her one

"oh thanks" she said and we start eating it. 'good that I bought fourth two for now and two before meeting' I said to myself while finishing mine. All of them were with the same jam and this taste is good for me and probably to Sophia too she didn't complain about it thats why I take this hypothesis .

After I finish eating I saw that Sophia almost finish but frosting go around her dress and face. When she wanted to get up I stop her and thanks to tissue I clean her face and from her dress I take to my hand and put it to trash. She was surprise by my action for second but later she let me do it to the end.

After I throw away it she said to me "thanks let go now to security room" after saying it we go out and we start walking there