To court

Hearing what Greg said I look at screen and I saw that this moron like I start calling him who can't hide what he doing with company money go in the room with nothing and go out with some papers. Seeing it I become angry and knowing that his time here coming to end but still millions that we lost will be hard to have back. Then I hear Greg "calm down he will be out soon you could fire everyone now based for what your father send you here"

Hearing him I answer him " I know but still I'm piss off so much"

"I understand you" he answer and start cutting file. It take him some time but looking at his focuses face I don't wanted to stop him. When he finish I said to myself 'so fast probably I will make it 5 times longer. Oh wait you stream a lot so you have experience so why I'm surprised by you fast doing it.' then we start looking at papers what we prepare mostly Greg check like 5 times every paper I just give a look at them

When we finish and I wanted to relax before stress that is coming soon Greg give me a second doughnuts today . when I take first bite I said to myself 'be careful now you donk know who will come at some time so I can't let Greg do what he done before'.

After eating I go and clean my hands in WC and when I comeback I saw that Greg is playing on his phone 'you and phone why you can't spend here time with me' I said to myself and I start looking at plan what I write earlier what I want to tell today

When 12:30 come nobody is inside from personnel needed to be here. After some seconds doors open and 2 guys come. Looking at them they one that is bald look at Greg and slowly nod his head. Greg being so focused on his phone he probably haven't see his action. When they sit at places I saw that this person who nod to Greg is his friend. After some minutes pass another group of people come now we wait only for three. Boss vice and PR department boss. Those three take the most of money.

When 30 minutes pass when our meeting should start doors finally open and they come "sorry for being late we have meeting outside" one of them said I just don't recognize them from voices and I answered "ok I understand".

Then our meeting start at first I come what I was doing here for pass few days. Later I start questioning about what they wanted to change and the last and final is about what I found here and my words I start

"some of you steal money but today is end of they actions". Hearing me most of them become white like blood go away from them. Then I continued "you see most important think why I come today here is that we lose money here and it became nice amount of money. I base it by what we have in America and when we check we lose here but looking at papers that were send to us we don't have some millions." Then I take a breath and I continued "that's why my father send me here and after checking papers that were delivered to us we found out where they gone" while saying it I point to Greg that was quiet.

"now continued what I said earlier we have papers here that were delivered but after first night some were taken by you" I point on the here boss. Hearing me he said "no I haven't take any"

"really everyone hear what he said" then I turn to Greg and I said to him let's play recording when he start it nothing show up. seeing it I become angry as hell and I said "in 2 minutes someone from IT must be here to check why it not working."

Hearing my words Greg friend take his phone and call to someone. After minute one person come and check all. When he finish his task he go out but then I hear words "beer later take sweety and wait in front of building". Hearing it I become annoyed and said "no talks. Let's go back to what I wanted to show". Hearing my words Greg play a recording when seeing it boss turn pale and said "it's not me"

"it's you" I said to him then I continued "I hope you haven't destroy it. but most important when I come here my father give me a permission to fire who I want and I people from that list are fired and needed to give back money. While I'm saying it I your case is going to court".

While I saying police come. Then one of them said we have here order from the court to take this people with as and he start telling they names. When he finish he take 6 people. After it happened I said "ok now when its end I hope nothing similar will happened here" when I said it most of people start going out. But before they go out I said to them "soon someone from America will come here as boss and later we will choose new from here but I don't know when it will happens". Hearing my words they said "ok" and start going out from room.