Beer time (2)

"it could be truth i dont know why i havenr realize it untill now" I said to them. "but still I just don't want to experience what happened earlier" "oh you aren't so unlucky so just do it" shaggy said mimicking one of popular mems

"oh who knows but I will try. After what she done for me and if she will dump me in future I probably could be destroyed inside" I said to him.

"oh don't say that" he said to me "ok let's talk about another thinks" bold stop our talk

"about what" I ask him

"how your life is there"

"oh it was good but one again I need to said that thanks to Sophia my life there go down. Nobody now don't want to talk with me in company thanks to that f*****g photo"

"oh why"

"they most think I have job thanks that I'm with her and I survive in company thanks to her too. To first it's not truth you both know me to well that I have good education and to that second yes she save me but still its only that she show the truth"

"okok that's nice from her but still I can't go talk with anybody there. They start looking at me like a spy. But at second hand I never was a social person who like to talk face to face" I said to them

"yep that's truth" shaggy and sweety said at the same time

When shaggy wanted to ask me another question his phone ring. "hello" he said

"oh I'm not at the company right now" he seem to be annoyed but still he talk nicely

"oh f**k really I will be there soon" he said and he finish his talk

"bold finish drinking and we are needed to go back it finally finalized"

"really oh good unslept night it will be"

"wait what you talk about"

"you hear about W Strain Devour Virus" he ask me and his eyes start shinning from excitement

"no its first time I hear about it. wtf is this virus and why you so excited that it finally come"

"oh from what I know its virus but not virus" while he said it I make face one of faces that I don't know what he is talking about

Then he continued "in short few months ago it was showed and conquered all news in short time. It is a security program that overwritten oh wait you and your knowledge is poor in it but to tall you short it will help us with security a lot. And today it finally come "

"oh that's good I hope it will help company with security but still I think it's was expensive"

"probably it was but I don't care I finally could play with it. oh btw thanks Sophia about buying it. I know she haven't done it but still I'm so happy that finally I could look at code of it" and he start clapping his hands like baby who have new toy to play.

"ok lest finish drinking and you will go and start doing it"

"ok" they said to me and we start talking about stupid thinks.

After some time bold as last finish his drink because he was more focused on eating. When we go out sweety said to me "I will drive you to hotel where you stay. "

"oh thanks for that but I will go by public communication it will be hard for you to drive there and not be angry because of rush hours. And most important someone is waiting for you at home. Oh I almost will forgot I will be here in next month or two i dont know exsacly when yet so I probably will go sleep to my room. I hope nothing is gone"

Hearing me he said "oh only few games are in my room or rest are there "

"ok by for now I will text you when I will be back"


"by all"

"by" they answered me and we go in different directions.

My travel to hotel pass in less that hour. When I come in front of it I look at my phone and said to myself 'oh it only took me two hours I hope Sophia is there. I hope her punishment will be smaller when I will tell her my feelings I only realized it thanks to shaggy words' when I finish it I go inside the hotel and go to our floor where we stay.

When I come to doors I wanted to knock but at first I check if doors aren't closed and I enter room.