

When I have Greg friend in my hand he slowly start moving . At first I wanted to stop his movements that's why I grab it harder. When I feel that Greg for moment stop sucking me I know I make a mistake and probably because of my nails I hurt him. 'oh so I probably need to make them shorter but I like how long now they are. I need to make decision later' I said to myself while making grip lighter

Then I saw that I left marks on his dick from my thumb nail I know I hurt him. How strong I have it and I go with what I think what he is doing to pleasure himself. At first it's hard to move up and down. But when I feel that he suck me more I know that it make him pleasure. While doing it I move from his bolls to head. After some time when we each other make pleasure he stop sucking me and said "stop baby I will come soon so I need to go to toilet to do it"

Hearing he call me baby I know that he love me and I wanted to see how it look like then I said to him "no you stay here". And I start moving my hand faster it start hurting me from work but then unexpected happened. He became a little fatter and he realize white thing.

Then he said to me "I will go for paper to clean it wait for me" but then I grab stronger his dick don't letting him go away and I take with another his semen and start moving to my mouth saying inside 'let's taste it if its good or nope'. It have unique taste and I said to him "nod bad but still I hope we will work with taste I need to found out how to make it better"

Hearing my word he said "wait what". I only make a smile and said to him "I said we will work to make it taste better but why you stop doing what you doing"

He then answered playing with my nipple "I don't know but if you like it I can continued what I'm doing"

Then I said to him knowing that his weight isn't small "ok but in driven position I want be on top "

Then he answer "ok" and we change positions. I finally go on top of him his eyes shine and I could look at him forever. Feeling that I become wet I take his hand and move it to my pussy saying to him "make me come I want to feel this when someone else doing it"

Then he said "ok I will try doing it but remember it will be first time for me"

"like for me with you" I answered him and chills start going around my body when he touch me. it's another feeling that I few times done it to myself. He is slow what he is doing 'oh you want to delicate what you doing but I could feel that your fingers in sucked and you touch my walls' I said to myself when his first few movements gone. At first he move a little up and down but then he start making circles around it. I wanted not to moan loud but still I know it go out. when I become to move a little because my position isn't comfortable he make unexpected move.

He turn me around. 'what you doing I wanted to be on top' I said in mind and I look what he is doing. He still have his fingers around my pussy and play with it. Then unexpected happened he move his body lower and lower and when his face see my most intimate part he probably take his tong and start licking me. I start moaning like crazy. at first I don't know what is doing but then big pleasure come to me. then I said to him "oh so good better that your hand".

When he touch me I could feel that he move it a little up and down but then he put it a little inside 'oh yea there baby you know what I want'. At this point I make a moan that he could hear and he start moving there a lot more. When I start thinking I remembered how his tong look like and to his dick its nothing.

'what happened if his dick come inside me it will be better or nope?' I ask question to myself but before I ask him to both of us lose they virginities I hear that my phone start ringing. I become angry at first but hearing ringtone that is reserved to my family I take it to my hands. when I saw that it's my dad I answer it without thinking.