You will choose

While coming to Sophia to help her with drying I could hear that her phone is ringing then she said to me "I will go answer"

"But you aren't dry yet," I said to her while looking at water that comes from her body while saying in mind 'at my place I was right she truly looks like Greek goodness'

"I know but it could be important I rarely have phone calls," she said to me while turning to doors

"Ok," I said to her while she going out. While doing it I could feel when she opens doors cold that goes to Allan. when I dry I saw that all my clothes have been wet so while couldn't help me and don't wanting clean Sophia with this wet towel I take new and I start going to her.

When I come close to our bedroom I hear Sophia saying "oh so you wanted to talk about it. I will tell you this I was busy when you call"