No kiss

when I wake up I could see that Greg is sleeping between girls. I have some problems with breath because of his head. when I wanted to wake him up because of nature calling me I saw that Greg move so I said to him "oh you wake up"

"yes but could I sleep more," he asked me making big eyes

"no, we need to get up. you will make breakfast and I will prepare all for work"

"ok and what with second breakfast oh sorry lunch"

"make something I have a small fridge and microwave in my office"

"ok I will do something," Greg said to me and we go to another direction. when I come to the toilet and I start doing what I needed. when I finish I go to our bedroom and I put on my underwear that Greg choose yesterday and while going out I take one of Greg t-shirts. while going to the kitchen I could see that it has overprint. I didn't look what and I go to Greg when I enter it I ask him

"what will be today at lunch"

"sandwiches for tomorrow I will need to think about"