Your mood changes so drastically

when I go out from elevator on Sophia floor I go to her office. when I come there probably her assistant said to me "to who you arehere"

"Sophia" I answer her

"she didn't tell me that someone will come and you can't enter here"

"Oh please did I need to call to her to you let me enter there or you will do this," I said to her taking on my phone

when she wanted to tell something I could hear Sophia voice "oh you there let's eat," she said while grabbing my hand and going inside. I only follow her and when she has been closing doors she said to her assistant "remember him he will come here daily"

"ok" I could hear only this while Sophia was closing doors.

when I sit on a couch I said to her "where is food"

"oh here," she said to me while taking it from the fridge