Make massage

when I get up I start following Sophia to a place where I could finally pee that sound make me so wanted to use it and water that I accidentally drink during swimming work on me now. while going after Sophia she enters one of the rooms. when I could see toilet I ask her "why you come here" 'oh you need to please hurry my bladder will explode soon' i said to myself then I said to her

"Oh, I need to pee too" when she said it I wanted to comment it but I stop myself while thinking about stupid things to delay pissing myself. when Sophia finish I go there and I could finally do what I needed. when I finish I go to Sophia who still washes her hands and while standing close to her I wash mine. when we did what we needed we go out and go back to eat.

while going after Sophia I could see that her friends aren't sitting on the table. when I wanted to ask Sophia where they could be I could hear one of the voice "come here"