It will be perfect

While eating nobody talks but while looking at Megan and Mei I could feel that they plan something. 'What you will do' I said to myself while eating salads that Greg gives me. when I almost finish with all I could see that he have one of salad that I don't have and while I'm being curious what is there I move my fork there. When it almost go there I could hear Greg changed voice "it's my only mine".

hearing him I couldn't stop myself from laugh "hahaha" and then I said to him "it's so nice you can change voices I haven't know my love," when I finish doing it good idea comes to my mind how to disturb him so I give him a kiss and move my fork to taste this salad. When we finish kissing and I have some on it I taste it and for me it's good so I said to him "give me more than salad and why you haven't placed it on my plate I become rabbit by eating mostly that grass"