Juice from blackcurrants

When I wake up I saw that I'm one again lying on Greg. 'How I come here and most important who undress me' I ask myself while looking down and seeing my girls. While wondering what happened after I fall asleep during our karaoke I heard knocking so I said in low voice "come in"

hearing me my doors open and Megan come seeing how we sleep she turns red and turn to face doors while saying "come to me" hearing her I look why she could make that face and when I saw one thing under our cover I know why so I said "give me minute"

"Ok" she answers me and she goes out. While she been doing it I get up slowly to not wake him up and I put a t-shirt and pants on me. When I have this I go out. While being there I could see that Megan's face isn't as red as before and I said "what you want"