We will be in your place

When I wake up I look at Greg face that been sleeping close to me. after some time looking at him I could see a tent from the cover that we have been. While I wanted to move there but after I move a little Greg said to me "what you doing"

"nothing," I said to him while giving him a kiss. After it, I get up and go to do what I needed. While doing it I could see him moving so I said to him "don't get up I will make your food"

"ok but baby could you start my PC," he said to me while showing a smile.

"ok" I answered him while going back and I start his PC. After I go out I go to change myself and take some new clothes for Greg to change. While I have them I start making food for our breakfast.

While looking at what we have I decide to make some eggs. While looking at them I take phone while directing Meg. After some rings she answers "hello" she said while having a sleepy voice

"how long for eggs need to boil for them to be hard-boiled"

"how the hell I could know I'm sleeping"