Lucky win

While I look at Mei face she look in pain what has Sophia done to her. Before I could ask Mei what happened Sophia said to me "what takes you so long"

Hearing her I said "what so long only around 30 minutes you probably will take it more"

After a few seconds Mei and Megan start giggling hearing them I said in mind 'what I said truth'. While looking around I could feel that all the shopping I have still in my hand so I start walking to them. While being closer to the table and I go behind Sophia back when she turns around after my words.

Being there I put all on the table and start unpacking it. While I put beer Mei takes one and she starts drinking it like crazy.

Seeing her Sophia ask "You so thirsty"

"Not really but exhausted and it's been a first thing here to drink" Mei answer and she calm down with drinking.