Not enough

While coming to the bathroom I could feel that Greg not calmly is walking with me for longers distance. While passing doors I almost hit myself on the shoulder but my fast movements I haven't hit it. while coming closer I could feel something hitting my butt. While supposing what it could be I said to Greg while being inside of shower "you really haven't calmed down yet"

"how you know," Greg said

"you just hitting me so round two," I said to him

"no I will calm normally and by the way, I need to get used to your nacked look I hope I will see it a lot," Greg said

While hearing him I grab his cheek and push it. "for what was this" while I have been doing it he ask me

"to let you know you don't need to getting used to it you just can go awaken all the time," I said

"fuck no you don't know what pain its make me"

"You haven't shown any"