Close my zipper

When I wake up I could see that Sophia is still sleeping. While I have been observing her for a few seconds I take my phone to check what hour is. While seeing it I said, "its 15 so time to start making food soon".

When I said it I take my phone and go to the kitchen to start preparing food. While being there I take meat from the fridge and while I mix it with rice and a few spices I left it for some time to mix well. While I finish doing it I go to my room to watch something. while I have been doing it alarm on my phone start flinging so after turning it off I finish the episode and go back to the kitchen.

When I enter it I place all leafs on the table and I start putting their meat. While I have been doing it I try to put one and half of spoon and cover it with leaf while I have been doing it I could see that they aren't so good to do this so I boil water and put it there for few seconds. While they move well without breaking I come back to do this.