Another one

After I hear Greg words I go to the kitchen and while being there I take vodka from there and while coming back I take some normal glasses with me. While having all I could see that Greg still is deep breathing.

While I put vodka on the table could see that he start hitting the bottom of the bottle and making some stupid stuff with it. Seeing it I dad ask him „what you doing"

"Something," he said to him and while Greg finishes doing it he looks what I give he then he ask "we don't have vodka glasses"

"Oh wait I will look at them," I said while going back to the kitchen. While seeing me Megan and Mei get up and come with me. While being there we start searching around a lot of shelves and while I finally found them I wanted to start going back but then Greg words come to me "oh take some pickles they are on fridge doors"