It's not worth

While hearing my words Greg said to me "no comment"

While hearing his words I wanted to say something to him but before I could do this he starts getting up. While seeing him that he doesn't stand normally I ask him "you need help"

"No I'm going for some time and it will be radioactive zone there," he said to me while going to the bathroom. While he went Meg said "two or three more rounds and he will pass out too"

"Yes I know," I said to her

"What we will do with him," mom said while pointing on dad.

"I don't know I will go and prepare the room," I said while going first to Greg room and preparing all there and later to the unused bedroom and preparing there bed too. While coming back mom and Megan talk about how to transport dad. While them I haven't comment then mom said „how my husband we will transport"

"I will help but still where," Greg said while showing up from nowhere

"Ok," mom said and then I add