While going to the conference room

While I was sleeping peacefully beside Greg something moving my arm wakes me up. While I open my eyes I could see that its mom which been saying "get up you need to eat and go to company"

"5 more minutes," I said to her

"No get up now," she said while wanting to take cover from us which I put on us when I wake up at 3

"Wait I will get up now," I said to her while slowly going out from it. while seeing me mom look at me and probably start thinking why I don't want to do it but she hasn't commented. While I get up I come closer to Greg and I give him a kiss.

After I did this I go to change. While coming to the bathroom I take underwear. While I do there all and change I go out and I put one of the casual dresses. While I have it I come down. While I was doing it I could see that it's 7:30 "so early" I said and I come down.

While I been there I could see that dad and mom are eating. While I come closer nod my head and I start eating. While I been doing it dad said