So go away

While I been waiting to Allan calm down I could hear Megan words "finally how long I need to wait"

"Long where is food," Sophia said with an annoying voice which I hear like one or two times 'oh so you don't like it' I said to myself.

"Here," Mei said and then Sophia answered her "Oh nice, what is there,"

"Some chicken Sause and rice," Megan said

"Oh nice," Sophia said and later I couldn't hear anything thanks to the whispering. While Allan almost calm down and once again become small Sophia said loud "babe come here the food is ready"

"I will be soon," I said and I start closing my zipper. 'Fucker close' I said while fighting with it for some time. When I finally did this I come out. While being out from room I could see that Sophia is smiling to me while sitting.

While coming closer I nod my head to greed Megan and Mei and while being close to table Megan ask „did Adelle made something to you"