While looking at it

While I been looking at Meg we have look fight 'you lose most of the time' I said to myself and after a few seconds she starts blinking while seeing it I said "mine"

"Ok I lose," Meg said while going out. When she did this I take my things and walk after her. While we come down we start walking to my car. While being there she asks me "shopping after"

"No need I have all," I said to her

"Oh come one we will be going soon and you need to change your swimsuit," Megan said

"No need there wouldn't be so hot to walk with them"

"It will be hotter than we have here it's 5 outside," she said 'good that without wind' I add in mind and I said "oh ok but you paying and for my shopping and we buying for Mei too"

"Ok," she said while coming inside and starting the radio. While seeing that she start changing radio stations she asks "who the hell change all"