They are like a gift from a god

After I said these words to Sophia I was waiting for her to agree. 'Time to be ready' I said to myself while moving my hands closer to her. While I been doing it she said "not now maybe later could you make me some tea"

"Ok," I said. 'Oh well not now but maybe later' I said to myself while observing her. While I was doing it Sophia gets up from my legs and start walking to the sofa. While I been observing her for a few seconds I get up and start walking to kitchen

When I come there I fill the kettle with water and I make it work. When I did this I start walking to smoke. While I been doing it Sophia ask "where you going"

"Smoke," I said while going outside. When I been there I start smoking. When I finish it I look around and while seeing nothing interesting I take my phone and start reading novels. While I was doing it for some time I finish smoking and while I go back inside I could see that kittle stop working.